Justice Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Justice quotes are a great way to keep yourself motivated and inspired. A lot of people in the world love to think about justice and may even want to share their thoughts on the matter. These phrases are not only catchy, but they also tend to make some people think. The reason why is that there isn’t always justice in our world. Some people have been treated unfairly while others have been given everything they could ever want.

Justice Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Justice is the virtue of giving everyone his or her due

• The only thing better than fighting for a cause is fighting FOR justice. We are happy to be doing that every day.

• Be Original. Stand out in a crowd. Look your best and do you, no matter what anybody else says.

• Stand up for what you believe in. Even if that means standing alone. #JusticeForAll

• Hey babe, let’s getaway, it’s all good.

• R.I.P. to my fave singer ever and real queen of pop

• I hope it’s a comedy. That would be fun…

• If we were not meant to judge each other, how come we have two eyes?

• You’ve got to dare to be different.

• The noise of the world won’t stop. But I will. Shut down for a little bit, switch off my mind, and start to relax. #FridayFeeling

• Treat the other person as you would be treated.

• We are justice, and when we’re done serving you with the freshest threads on the block, we will be taking the city by storm.

• We are the Justice League and we have a long way to go. Will you join us?

• you are officially invited to the party on August 25th. we’re ready to party hardy with you an epic out our feelings in the streets.

• Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

• We all have the same size heart. It’s just some of us don’t have enough courage to use ours.

• Not everything’s for everyone, but everything is for someone.

• Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe your commands are eternal. Psalm 119:66

• They say, “Justice wears a blindfold for a reason.” We agree, which is why we don’t design clothing with logos or words on them. Stay true, stay just.

• Girls just wanna have fun, but they shouldn’t have to compromise their style to do it.

• We’re not guilty. We just look that way.

• I want to be everything that women aren’t told that they can be.

• Say aloud what you want the world to hear

• Don’t be afraid to speak up if you see something wrong.

• We are the generation that is changing the definition of luxury, one wayfarer at a time.

• Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know On earth, and all ye need to know.

• Justice is what love looks like in public. – Cornel West

• Gather round. Because it’s time to party like it’s 1999. Justice is bringing the bops and y’all are INVITED.

• What you wear is a reflection of who you are. #myChoiceMyJustice

• We all deserve to feel safe and respected. Tell justice to start trending.

• If you want justice, you’ve got to be willing to do some soul-searching first

• We don’t care if you’re on a date, having fun with friends, or partying with your squad we know you’re gonna look good doing it.

• Justice is a state where all humans have equal access to the resources that enable them to live dignified, autonomy-respecting lives.

• We live in a world where there’s injustice. But what about our world? Who says we have to play by the rules?

• The most beautiful revenge is to live a happy life

• “I want to live in a world where people will not be judged by their gender or sexual identity but by the content of their character.

• Signature in bold and a mix of sans-serif and serif.

• She was a girl who knew what she liked and liked what she knew.

• Be always on the lookout—so that you can be on the move.

• Whoever said size doesn’t matter, never went to Justice.

• We’re not perfect and we don’t have to be. We are strong, true to ourselves, and confident in who we are. Live justice every day.

• We’re not saying we want to be the future of fashion but the future of fashion is us. #LetJusticeBeYourGuide

• Wear what feels good, look how you feel, and do what makes you feel alive.

• Courage is often confused with confidence or strength, but it’s neither of those. Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.

• We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. –George Bernard Shaw

• Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, and concentrate the mind on the present moment.

• Justice is blind. No matter who you are or what you look like, everyone deserves a fair chance.

• There’s a reason why justice is being served. It feels good to stand up and say something.

• These girls are sick of the injustice in the world #girlsjustice

• We live in an era of technology where the real problem with justice is that everyone can be connected, but no one can be held accountable.

• On the court, off the court, and everywhere in between, you’re gonna love what we do next. Turn it up loud

• Don’t do what you love in order to make money. Do what makes you happy and money will follow

• Stand proud in your truth and take a stand for what you believe in. Be the change you want to see. Justice is what you do while it’s happening.

• This is a caption for a women’s clothing company, using quotes to inspire women.

• Your beauty is powerful. Your voice is powerful. Your truth is powerful. Those are the weapons you take into this world.

• A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous.

• Putting an end to gender discrimination since…forever.

• We’re not just making clothes. We’re making history.

• Cities, like people, are defined by the promises they keep.

• We’re justice girls. If you are too, then rep your favorite piece with a #justiceforall tee. Spotlight your strength—and ours—by sharing what justice means to you.

• This is where a caption can help you put your feelings in words.

• Stand up for what you believe in. It will always be easier to sit down.

• Bring on the bandage dress, the oversize sweatshirt, the studded boots, and that weird-ass hat you can’t stop thinking about owning. You’re ready for a new look.

• You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you. -JK Rowling

• Fierce is the new sexy in #Alterego, featuring an all-new bodysuit with lots of attitudes. Available at Justice.com/shop

• You are justice, your heart is pure and when your mind is set to right all will be right.

• The world is yours, and you are beautiful. The future depends on what you do with it.

• #GoTopless Day is August 26th; let’s #freethenipple and make a difference!

• We want to stand up and make the world a little fairer, one size at a time.

• your girls have got your back. You’re with the best squad on earth. Together you can do anything, be anything and we’ll always be there for you…

• We’re all about girl power. Every creature on earth is female first—and they should stay that way.

• Overcoming obstacles isn’t about luck. It takes courage, resolve, and a power suit.

• Say what you will about the law, but it’s hard to deny that justice looks pretty in a courtroom.

• Sick of injustice? Us too. Stand up for what’s right and make your voice heard here: justice.com/takeaction

• Meet me at the mall, I’ll buy you some new underwear

• You’re no good for me, I’m no good for you. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be bad together.

• Justice is a human, not a divine attribute. The idea of justice must have arisen from within the human race.

• We believe in our power to dream, create, and make justice happen. We won’t give up. Neither should you.

• Swim like nobody’s watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching.

• We must fight for our freedoms. We have a right to live. And we have the right to be treated equally.

• Do what you got to do, and be who you want to be.

• We’re more than just a clothing brand. We are an opportunity to inspire people to be their own superheroes.

• Even the most beautiful woman in the world is ugly when she starts crying.

• The world needs to see that beauty is not a size.

• Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.

• We are stronger together. We rise together.

• Don’t go for the “safe” choice. Go for what scares you.

• Just do what everyone else does, and you’ll be fine.

• The only thing that Justice doesn’t have is a sense of humor. & they said it’d never last.

• Justice is to love mercy as far as the east is from the west…

• You’ve still got time to play. This is your moment. Your moment to turn everything around. To do what you know in your heart is right.

• Everyone should be free to express themselves. One rule at a time.

• Fight for what you believe in, even if it means being misunderstood or confusing people.

• Don’t ask me why I’m different, ask yourself why you’re the same.

• Justice is not only our name but also a value we live and breathe everyday. Let us make an impact on your life today.

• Your wardrobe is your statement but your actions & values are your story. Dress it up. Justice

• Life is better for everybody when ladies are in justice.

• When you’re on a mission for justice, shoot for the moon.

• We’re doing our best to bring an end to #celebrityjustice. Find out how you can help at http://nna.org/justice

• There’s a world of injustice out there. And we’re not gonna take it anymore. Be bold, be brave, and stand up for justice. Just do it.

• Raise your voice for what you believe. Be heard for what you know is right.

• I wear what I wanna wear and say what I wanna say.

• Without all the people who have shown me, taught me, and fought for me… I wouldn’t be here today. So thank you

• You have the right to be whoever you want to be: do whatever you want to do.

• Never stop fighting for what you believe in—the world needs more people like you.

• We all deserve a fair shot—in love, in friendship, in life. That’s the spirit of #MeToo.

• We all want the same things. Freedom. Equality. Love. Courage to chase our dreams. Fairness and respect for human rights.

• I will speak for the voiceless and fight for the rights of every man, woman, and child who has no voice.

• Do what you love, be kind, and don’t sweat the rest.

• I don’t take myself too seriously, but I do take my work very seriously.

• The world is waiting for you to make your mark

• “Dreams are an important part of the creative process. They loosen the bonds of self-consciousness and allow fresh ideas to flow.” –John Updike

• We all deserve to be #Justiced. Check out @nypdjusticenews on Instagram—and let us know if you see something worth sharing.

• No one can be completely bad until they’ve tried to be good. -Justice

• Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

• Rule the school. Rule the streets. Rule the world.

• Fashion is a language that anyone can understand. We look to challenge the status quo, to make people think and feel.

• We all deserve to be seen, heard, and respected. That’s why we created our SEE ME campaign to empower young people to speak up, speak out and never give up. See what you can do

• Dress up your ears and eyes.

• If you’re going to do something, do it right.

• That moment when you’re working so hard at something, you forget it’s supposed to be work.

• Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in magic? If so, I think it’s time for a Justice date. ☆

• Justice is what love looks like in public.

• Let’s bring it like justice we deserve.

• Justice is freedom. That’s why justice must be fought for, protected, and handed down to future generations like a sacred legacy. -Madonna

• Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr.

• Be a warrior, not a worrier. #JusticeXmas

• Supreme confidence in the quality of each piece.

• We’re not just a brand. We’re not just a store. We’re a movement. Because our lives matter.

• You have the power to be and do whatever you want. Be bold. Be brave.

• Your style is a reflection of your attitude, always stay true to yourself so you can be confident and remain an individual.

• The right-sized bra can change your life.

• Behind every “no” is a reason why 👌

• Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!” Embrace the moment.

• I don’t wanna be a prisoner of your love so baby won’t you lock me up. ❤🍫

• Live fearless. Be bold. Speak your truth. Do what you love and do it often.

• We are strong, we are powerful and we will not be silenced. Join us in standing up for what is right. Together, we rise.

• If you love it, don’t let go.

• We all seek the sun, but it only makes sense to fight for what’s right.

• Stand up for what’s right.

• Be a voice for the voiceless.

• Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. (Dr. Seuss)

• We all dwell in different worlds, but most of us share the same sun.

• Be the change you wish to see. –Gandhi