Prayer for Deceased Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Prayer Quotes for the deceased can sometimes give people some comfort when they lose a loved one. These prayer quotes are perfect to send to someone who is going through a difficult time. Praying for the deceased is important because it lets your loved ones know that you will be there for them even though you are not physically there.

Prayer for Deceased Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Dear God, thank you for your guidance in our lives and for giving us the chance to know _________ We will miss her, but never forget her.

• We pray that you rest in the arms of God. We thank you for each moment you were in our lives. We will miss you and love you always, Big Mike.

• With broken hearts, we remember and celebrate the life of a beautiful soul. May God bless you always.

• You are forever in our hearts. We love you and miss you so much.

• We will always remember in our hearts and minds you: The most generous, artistic, creative, loving, and caring person we’ve ever known.

• We give thanks for the life of Sally Smith. We will always hold you in our hearts.

• Everything happens for a reason. She is in a better place. She will always be in our hearts.

• Rest in Peace, and fly with the angels. The world lost a true hero, today.

• Death leaves a heartache no one can heal—but love leaves a memory no one can steal. ☥🕊

• In memory of our dear friend, we dedicate tonight’s show to his loving memory.

• GOD is love. If you know this LOVE, passing through death is not a barrier. GOD Bless your family.

• May the light of your soul always shine and may the love that you shared on Earth continue to grow.

• With your help, I know that justice will be served in this matter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• because you’re my angel. I miss you the most when there are a new moon.

• Much love and respect to the late Mr. Maurice White. Thank you for the music, your artistry, and for being a pioneer in black music. Rest in peace brother.

• Lord, thank you for ___________, who took your call on (insert date), and we celebrate the hope of everlasting life. AMEN.

• The world will never be the same without you. You were a blessing to us all. We miss you, and we will always love you. Rest in peace, Dad.

• Missing you, Dad. This is the only way I know how to say it. I just miss you so much. #dad

• With heavy hearts, we remember the legacy of brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

• Faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

• The sacrifice of a Marine is never made in vain.

• Dear God, may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

• A prayer for all the women who have lost their lives to domestic violence.

• We prayed that God would carry you in his arms as you walk through the gate of Heaven.

• She was a woman of strength, grace, and great faith. She loved her family and friends tremendously. She will live on in our hearts forever.

• Grace, love, courage, and strength to all affected by this tragic event. Love, sorrow, and respect.

• My brother was a Superhero. He was God’s gift to me, and I miss him every day.

• TODAY, I honor the memory of my baby girl, Shelly Marie Martin.

• May the flowers we planted together to grow and bloom. May the warmth of the sun shine upon them always.

• May those who have passed know peace and be in the arms of God.

• We miss you and love you. Always in our hearts. Your memory will never fade away but live in our hearts forever.

• Today, at the funeral of my grandmother I prayed to see her again. I hope she’s not gone forever. 🙏

• When I get to heaven, the first thing I will do is run up and hug my Mother

• With the Lord’s help, we will see you again.

• They say to live every day like it was your last. So do us a favor, and get a manly mani pedi today.

• For those who have been killed or injured, we hope that the next time you see them will be in paradise.

• Dear God, we pray for the soul of your servant who has died.

• Thank you, God, for the gift of this day and all the blessings you have given us. We pray for peace and comfort to those who have lost someone dear.

• May you find peace in the next life. May we all meet again as friends in heaven.

• In loving memory of John Doe, an inspiration to us all.

• Courageous and selfless until the end. He was taken too soon. Love and miss you, buddy

• Lastly, please continue to keep the friends and family of Stefan in your thoughts and prayers.

• As we rise and set each day, may God give you wings to fly. May He fill your heart with gladness, and rest your soul in peace and happiness.

• May the soul of ________ rest in peace and God give us strength to bear this loss.

• The memory of Avi Levy z”l will always remain in our hearts. May God comfort his family during this difficult time.

• May God grant you eternal rest and may light perpetual shine upon you.

• The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

• Mesa’s Angels Flight, gone but never forgotten. You will live in our hearts forever.

• And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen

• Faith can move mountains! Love and prayers for the departed at Mt. Calvary Cemetary

• Dear God, I ask that you forever bless the soul of Elena and watch over her family as they mourn their great loss.

• Thoughts and prayers for all the families who are suffering through a loss, God is with you.

• We are devastated by the sudden and tragic loss of our friend. Please join us in praying for his family, friends, and loved ones.

• It’s okay to say goodbye. It’s also okay to keep her memory alive. We love you.

• May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

• Today we lift up in prayer those who defend and protect us #HonoringTheFallen

• On this day of September 18, 2015, let us remember those who have passed with the hope of heaven. Raise your glass to life, love, and most of all… friendship.

• They died so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.

• 🙏 Thank you, dear Lord, for all the wonderful gifts You’ve blessed me with during my lifetime. Thank you for gathering my soul to Yours. Amen.

• God hear our prayer for the departed, who has passed away. He/she is now with you. You are now at peace, in a better place.

• Remembering the sweet little angel who is no longer with us and thanking God for the beautiful life she did have. She will always be in our hearts. God Bless

• We are saddened by the loss of (insert name). Your life, although brief, has inspired us.

• Sending love and prayers to you on this Thanksgiving holiday, Angel. May God Bless you with Strength and Comfort as you mourn such a great loss.

• Today I am grateful for 24 years. In softly spoken moments we’ll meet again until then Nanda I miss you

• RIP in a solemn tone: The King of Pop and his gifts to the world will live on forever in the hearts of his fans.

• We’ll miss your smile, your incredible spirit, and your devotion to family. We love you, Dad.

• Condolences to the family and friends of Melinda C. Eppley, a member of the Class of 1952

• There’s no tragedy too big to overcome. Fight on, and never give up.

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. And change the things I can.

• Prayers for the family of Brad Nowell, who passed away on May 25th, 1996.

• A prayer for the beloved departed.

• Lying in state to honor her exceptional life, as a beloved community leader.

• Never a moment goes by that I don’t think of you and feel your presence. May your soul rest in peace.

• Next time you see the sky, say a prayer for Melanie.

• We are still here for you, Mom. We miss you.

• We miss you and love you.

• Until we meet again, rest in peace.

• You are the wind at my back, the song in my heart, and you are always in my soul. I love you, Mommy. I miss you so much.

• They were too young to go, but we will always remember their stories.

• Life is like a blooming flower, but it’s not ours to keep. So rest in peace, my friend.

• Even though we are apart…I am still right beside you

• “At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;

• It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Let us pray for deceased(name).

• Let us pray for her soul. Let us pray for her family and loved ones, who are experiencing unimaginable pain at this time.

• We pray for the family and friends of the deceased, so that they may find comfort in God’s love and presence during this difficult time.

• Please join us in saying a prayer of sympathy for the family of Mr. Thomas Farrell. His funeral will be held at the First Presbyterian Church on 5th street.

• Please join me in praying for those we have lost too soon. 🙏🌼

• May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

• Dear Lord, we thank you for the gift of our father and we are grateful for all he taught us. We will miss him dearly

• May the sweet memories of our friend fill our hearts and minds today, and may her soul rest in peace.

• Celebrating the life of a beloved Father, who passed away on this day four years ago. You are always in our hearts.

• I cannot imagine life without you in it. I will continue to love you and miss you everyday until we meet again…

• We will always love you and never forget you. Miss you forever, Mommy.

• We Hv Prayed For U all this while. Allah, give him Jannat-ul Firdaus Ameen #Rip

• Here’s to you, our beloved friend. We’ll always remember you. We miss you. And we’re so grateful that you were part of our lives.

• The Lord’s Prayer is sacred to Christians around the world. It was written by Jesus, the son of God, and was given to us in order to help us find everlasting happiness.

• Sending our love and prayers to everyone impacted by the tragic events this weekend in Las Vegas.

• We pray for peace and comfort for those who have lost a loved one. We remember your loved ones in our prayers.

• To all of you who have lost someone dear to you, we pray for healing.

• Despite our loss, we remember your life and all that you gave to us. You are in our hearts always.

• Dear God, Please accept my husband, John Smith, and allow him to enter your kingdom. I love him dearly. Amen.

• Whether we knew them or not, our hearts go out to the families and friends of these victims. God bless you all.

• We pray for all victims of the horrific violence that occurred at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada.

• In loving memory of your brother, a light has been taken from us. We can never forget him; may he rest in peace  #rememberingmybrother

• God, you have suffered our loss; now grant us the grace to live in hope until we see her again.

• You will always be in our hearts. Prayerfully, your memories will live on to inspire others that have suffered a loss.

• We remember you and give thanks for your life. We hope our lives will be as meaningful as yours. Namaste.

• Never forget the passion we shared for life. We love you, Mom and Dad.

• I like the idea of using “R.I.P” in a caption to show respect for the deceased who was a beloved public figure.

• Respect: A tattoo for my brother Johnny. (this is a prayer)

• My dear friend and colleague Karla Skovira, we remember you with love today. May your life story continue to inspire us all. – Team Avon

• Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. Even though you’re gone, you’ll always be here in our hearts. Rest in Peace, Sue.

• My prayer for you is simple and just for peace. Freedom from pain, freedom from misery.

• Me and my team will pray for you, Bill. God knows your name.

• We pray that God will welcome to his fold, the soul of our beloved husband and father, who died on March 21, 2009.

• May God bless the family of Mary Jane Doe and all those who mourn her passing, giving them comfort and peace. Amen.

• You were taken so soon. Please watch over us from above.

• Live a life so good that God would want you back.

• I’ll never forget the sound of your laugh or the way you always said “Blessings” instead of goodbye.

• We remember and miss you, but it is not where our friendship ends.

• I will pray for you. As the moon sheds light on your lonely grave, I will pray.

• Grateful for the tragic reprieve that saved my mother’s life, but devastated not to be able to say goodbye. May those who have died rest in peace.

• In memory of our beloved son, nephew, and brother. We will miss you always.

• We pray for your strength throughout this difficult time. We are here to support you in any way we can.

• You are gone but will never be forgotten, your love and light shine on in our hearts forever.

• Rest in the Lord’s love. We are all praying for you. amen.

• Today, we reflect on the gift of this day. You are forever remembered in our hearts and lives. #ACOA #LostButNeverForgotten

• One step at a time. Day by day. We will make it through this darkness together. 🙏 #PrayForOrlando

• May your spirit live on in us as we strive to make a better world.

• Heavenly Father, thank you for the life of Harry Potter. May he/she rest in peace. Amen.

• Life is too short, live it to the fullest. Love as hard as you can.

• We will never be able to forget you. Your memories are shining brightly in our hearts and minds. We love you very much and miss you dearly.

• And in life, may you rest in peace. But in death, may you live on forever.

• I’m glad that you didn’t let cancer win. I’m glad that your last days were spent at home, with family and friends, in contentment and peace.

• Heaven, I know you’re missing an angel. We will never stop missing her.

• No matter how many days we share, I will always love and miss you.

• Just because I’m gone doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you. Thinking of you every single day. Love, Mom

• May the angels keep watch over you, and protect you from all harm.

• May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace

• When we come to the end of our rope, God pulls us an extra inch.

• The sea is still and calm, reflecting the sky like a mirror.