Grateful to God for Everything Quotes and Captions for Instagram

There are many reasons why people recite a prayer to God. Some pray just to give thanks, others to ask forgiveness, and yet others for spiritual awakening while some others praise and glorify the God-head. Whatever your reason for reciting a prayer, do it with gratitude in your heart. Recite a grateful prayer and thank God for everything that you have, including what you don’t need, and below we’ve got you some amazing collections.

Grateful to God for Everything Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• I’m grateful to God for everything that happens in my life because it all leads me to where I’m meant to be.

I’m so grateful to God almighty, I can never pay my gratitude to Him.

• I’m grateful for God’s perfect timing, grace and mercy ❤️ Let’s show him all the love we have & share with others.

• Thank you God for everything good in my life, be it small or big. God bless.

• I’m thankful for you, Lord. I am humbled by your grace and abundance in my life.

• Thank you, Lord, for all of your blessings. 🙏

• Thankful for the things we have, this time of year is so special to us! #thankful

• Lord, thank you for this new day, and for the peace that passes all understanding. 🙏

• God, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven~Matthew 6:10

• If the only prayer you said in your whole life was thank you, it would be enough. St. Francis of Assisi . . . .

• Being grateful isn’t just about what you can see, but also what you can’t. There are so many things to be thankful for.

• It is with gratitude that we give thanks for the blessings of this day–even the little things.

Here’s to the little things—like getting the keys from the mailman and a crisp, fall breeze. #grateful

• I am grateful to God for everything that has happened in my life. No matter what one believes about God, gratitude is vital for our well-being.

• I’m so grateful to God for everything he has blessed me with… May your Sunday be filled with gratitude. Stay blessed, Love you all ❤️ #grateful#Thankful

• Thank you, God, for everything that’s happened in my life. I’m grateful for it all.

• Looking for a place to eat tonight? Breathe in, breathe out. Let’s get happy hour started right with $5 flatbreads at Applebee’s.

• Gratitude is the memory of the heart. +Christian N. Bovee

• Thankful for every day and every breath that I spend with you. 🙏

• Dear Lord, thank you for the grace and guidance that have helped me get to where I am today. Amen!

• When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him[bible]?

• I was made for more than this, I am here for more than this.

• I’m so grateful now for the blessing that day to day brings. I’ve learned not to take a single moment for granted.

• 🙏🏼 For the things I can’t change, may I change my attitude.

• Thankful to God for everything! We truly have nothing without his blessing.

• I’m so grateful for being one of the 33 million people born in Malaysia and to God for the blessing of life.

• Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

• Thankful for all the beauty of this world. 🙏

• A thankful heart is a magnet for joy. Keep it healthy and strong. </br> #grateful

• I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

• Thank you, God, for the gift of life.

• Every day is a new opportunity to give thanks and ask for guidance.

• There’s no greater gift than the gift of time spent together.

• I am grateful to God for everything that happened to me. Everything. I wouldn’t trade it—the bad or the good—because it all lead me to where I am today. 🙏

• I feel grateful to God for everything he has done in my life. I’m looking forward to experiencing more of his goodness and grace.

• I am so grateful to God for everything He has done in my life and I live my life to the fullest.

• I’m grateful to God for all of my blessings on this beautiful day.

• I just want to thank God for all the things that he has blessed me with, my family, my husband, my friends, and all of you who have been a part of this journey.

• Thank you, God, for another fun weekend with my family

• Thank you, God, for the endless blessings you give us everyday.

• There’s nothing more beautiful than a life of service to others, and to you. Thank you for everything.

• Thank you, God, for waking me up this morning and being with me through the day.

• Thank you for blessing me with another day today, God. I’m grateful for all my family and friends who have been by my side all this time.

• Thank you, Lord, for the new day and the many ways to spend an evening with you ❤️

• I am so grateful for all of the many ways you have blessed me. Amen.

• Everything I need is on the table. I have more than I deserve. Thank you, Lord.

• Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with another day.

• No matter what happens in life, be grateful for being alive.

• I’m grateful to God for everything I have. Without Him, I would be nothing.

• I am thankful to God for everything he has done in my life 😍 #grateful #thankyoulord

• Thank you, God, for the beautiful weather 🌞

• I am more than thankful for everything 🙏

• Thank you for another great day to give thanks for. We are grateful for the ones in our life and thank God for the blessings He gives us every day.

• I just have to say, God, I’m so grateful for you.

• All of my life, I have been consistently met by a gracious and generous God.

• I will always praise you and thank you. I love you, Lord.

• Grateful is the man who never looks back but looks forward to something he is going to receive. ~ Alexander Smith #grateful

• Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with this day, and all the days before.

• The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . . . . .

• I’m so grateful to God for everything he’s done in my life🙏

• I’m grateful to God for life, love, and family.🙏❤

• I know that I am blessed beyond words. Thank you, Lord, for everything. 🙏

• Thank you, God, for these wonderful memories.

• Thank You, God, for all the good times and for all the times where I was able to help someone.

• Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort;

• This is my prayer for you: that you may be loved, that you may be loved, that you may be loved.

• Thank you, God, for this new day and for the chance to do the work that You want me to do. Let me be open to all that You have in store for me today.

• This holiday give thanks; give praise; give glory with all your heart, and enjoy the company of those you love.

• Thank you, God, for everything

• I’m grateful to God for everything that happens to me, including the hard and painful times. I’ve grown stronger because of them.

• I’m grateful to God for everything enjoyed today. And I’m ready to enjoy what’s next in faith.

• May God bless and keep you always,

• May God’s special grace be with you!

• I’m thankful for so much. So, so much—the small things that I sometimes overlook and the big things that I’m always so grateful for.

• Thank you for all the things that make my life happy and complete. 🙏

• Lord, thank you for the people who have touched our lives and made it more meaningful. You are great!

• Thank you for giving me strength even on my most difficult days.

• So thankful for all of the blessings in my life 🙏🏿

• Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of our daily bread #blessed

• So grateful to God for His many blessings 🙏🏽☝🏿

• Thank you, God, for every blessing you’ve bestowed on my life.

• Everything I have or will ever have belongs to God. #grateful

• Thank you, God, for all Your blessings 🙏

• Thank you, God, for this day and all the blessings that it holds in store.

• I am thankful for all the ways God has made me more of who I want to be, and all the ways God has shown up in my life.

• I came to thank you God for what you’ve given me, to praise you for all that I have done well.

• Praying for a heart of gratitude, so the world can see how very blessed we all are. 🙏 #grateful

• Thank you, God, for the many blessings that you have given me.

• Thankful for my beautiful family, happy memories, and the laughter of kids on a beach. 💛✨

• When I feel most overwhelmed by the pressures of ministry, I’m reminded that this life is not about me. It’s about Him.

• I get to do what I love every single day. It’s a gift⭐️🙏

• View this life as a pilgrimage in which the true goal is not the destination, but a deeper spiritual union with the God of Light. Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis

• Thank you for giving me the wisdom to recognize my gifts and strengths.

• I am grateful to God for everything, this life, and all that I have.

• I have been filled with grace all of my life, and I’m so grateful to God for that.

• thank you, God, for this opportunity to enrich the lives of my children who are in need of a loving home.

• Thank you, God, for fulfilling my dreams and desires. A bible verse can be added here

• Thank you, God, for my family, health, and all of my friends. I couldn’t have done it without you.

• Thank you, God, for blessing me with this life and these beautiful people in it. *JN

• Doing whatever it takes to be a better you. …With God, all things are possible. Prayers up!

• Thank you for this beautiful morning. You are so good to me. #morningbreath

• Thank you for the sun that shines, the rain that nourishes, and the flowers that bloom.✨

• We are thankful for all the little things—the big things, too.

• Be happy! Be grateful! And above all be at peace.

• I’m grateful to God for everything he’s blessed me with.

• Everyday we have to wake up and be thankful to God. The reason we get up every morning is because of Him. 🙏

• So grateful for all the blessings in our life. So grateful for my family, my friends, my loved ones, and the Lord above. #prayfestivaldays

• Thankful for the comfort of coffee and good company ☕.

• There is no better time to be grateful than now. Thank you father for everything you have done in my life.

• I’m forever grateful for all the things and people in my life, and may you be too.

• Lord, I’m so grateful for the little things like this. Thank you for being a part of my life.

• Humbled to be one of the most successful projects on Kickstarter! Thanks to God, my loyal backers, and the Kickstarter team!

• Rise up, and thank god for another day of life.

• Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. – Psalm 144:1

• Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themselves into knots. 😁😁😁

• I’m grateful to God for everything he’s done in my life. May we all be inspired to serve our world with joy and gratitude.

• I’m grateful to God for everything He’s done, is doing, and will do on my behalf.

• I am thankful to God for all His blessings ❤️

• Thank you, God, for every single blessing.

• Dear God, thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed on me. #gratitude

• I am so grateful for this blessing called life. I am thankful for God’s love in my life. I am truly blessed.

• Thank you for the love that surrounds me everyday, night and day. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

• My God, I thank you for all that is…

• To God, the giver of joy, the lover of peace, the source of all hope and strength, be glory, majesty, and power eternal. Amen.

• God has been so good to me in my life. I pray that if you’re struggling these days, you feel happy and grateful like me. That’s the way it should be. 🙂

• Gratitude is a virtue for what you have, not for what you don’t have.

• I’ll be grateful to God for everything if he’ll just bring my baby back to me. #Clickbait

• I’m grateful to God for everything he’s done in my life. The good and the bad, because without the bad, I wouldn’t truly appreciate the good.

• Thank you, God, for everything in my life. I am grateful for every blessing and grace that you have bestowed on me. I love you, Lord.

• I am grateful to God for everything he has done in my life.

• I am so grateful to God for blessing me with another day, another year, and a chance to do more great work. Praise the Lord!

• Thank you, God, for another beautiful day 🌞🌞

• At night, the stars are my only friends. God must love me a lot… to have given me such amazing friends like them!

• No matter how good or bad the day is, always know that God is great and He loves you!

• Thank you for so much, God. May we always be thankful for all that you have given us. Amen.

• I feel so blessed. I have my health, beautiful family and friends, a great job, and wonderful home.

• So grateful for this day, and for the many more to come.🙏

• Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. #blessed

• I am grateful for the breath that fills my lungs, for the air that surrounds me, for the light that guides my path.

• Grateful to God, who made me an instrument of His peace.🙏

• Today thank God for everything he has been to you, is to you, and will be to you.

• I acknowledge the presence of God in my life, I pray daily and I have faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for your mercies and blessings.

• Thank you, God, for giving me the strength and courage to face my challenges head-on. I love you, Lord.

• Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ☀🌿

• Thank you, God, for this day, and all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me.

• So many of the things we worry about never happen, and so many of the things we pray for do.

• Thank you for the blessings of the day 🙏 .

• It is better to live humbly than to live with a spirit of stonewalling and resentment. God will bring you new growth opportunities, even in times of disappointment.

• 🙏 To all that is happening in my life, be it a problem or an opportunity, thank you for all of it!

• The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid.

• Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed”

• I give thanks to God for everything, every day. You are loved beyond words, J.

• I’m grateful to God for the beautiful people in my life who inspire and encourage me. 🌻🙏🏼 📸:@pinksugarbaby

• I am so grateful to God for all my blessings.

• Thank God for all things: for the flowers in spring, for the sun in summer, for the leaves in autumn, and for all of the stars in winter.

• Pray to God, be grateful for all His blessings, and do not blame anyone who disappointed you today.

• Remember, God is the most beautiful you that you will ever be.

• What a beautiful, wonderful day. Thank you, God, for all my blessings. <3

• Thank you, God, for this day, and all the blessings You have given me. Guide my steps as I walk. Amen… 👫

• My God, I thank you for all that you have done.

• Thank you for all of your blessings in my life.

• I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

• Thank you, Lord, for every breath I take. Thank you, Lord, for all that sustains me. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. 🙏

• I’m grateful to God for everything – my family, my friends, and all that I have.

• Let us be grateful to God for the gift of life. Bless us with love, health, and happiness… and help us share these gifts with others.

• Thank you, God, for everything that is good in my life—a wife and kids I love, a business that challenges me, a home. And thank you for this day.

• Thank you, God, for your faithfulness and love towards me. You are the best example of love that I have ever known.

• Dear God, Thank You for all my blessings in life. May the moments ahead be filled with love and blessings, peace and harmony, joy and prosperity. Amen

• Thankful for family, friends, and the beautiful world that God has created. Have a beautiful day ☺️ #churchgoer #thankful #praisegod

• Thank you for today and for everything else for that matter #blessed

• Thank you, God, for the beautiful world we live in where we can enjoy this day and be with those who make it awesome. 🙏

• More than anything, thank you for the family I can come home to and the family that can come to me.

• Keep calm and be thankful. (God knows I need it)

• Bless the Lord, oh my soul; O Bless His holy name. Psalm 103:1

• Thank you for blessing me with the strength to keep going 🙏🏾

• We’re still counting our many blessings…

• The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

• I’m grateful to God for everything in my life.

• Thankful to God for this blessed day, and all the many blessings of my life.

• Let us be grateful to God for the beautiful flowers He has given us, and learn from them to be sweet, simple, and humble.

• My friend, I ask you to stop for a while. Stop and give thanks to God for all of His blessings to you.

• Thank God for everyday! He is the reason why we are able to live and experience it.

• I’m so grateful for a God who never gives up on me

• Praise to the Lord our God; He reigns, forever. Hallelujah. Amen and Amen.

• So thankful God, for your kindness and mercy. Thank You, Lord.

• Thank you, God, for blessing me with this day. Make my hands and heart always ready to serve you in a way that is pleasing to you. 🙏

• I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling thankful for all my little blessings today. . . . . #grateful #blessed #blessing #gratitude

• I am thankful for my family, my friends, and for this beautiful earth that we live on.