Short Prayer for Healing My Mom Quotes and Captions for Instagram

When our moms are sick or feel ill, we’re the first person they call, but how do we react or comfort them? In a lot of cases, we pray for their health. Sometimes, a short prayer can make an incredible difference in our mothers’ lives. Here are some moving Mother’s Day quotes and images that we just can’t ignore to share with other people who love their own mom.

Short Prayer for Healing My Mom Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Dear Universe, please heal my mom. Thank you. 😊

• Dear Lord, I pray for healing and strength for my mother-in-law Maria.

• God, please help my mom get well, she seems so stressed and always complaining. I love her so much and I just want our family to be whole again.

• Lord, your loving presence heals us and makes us whole. You take away the sadness and loneliness of being sick.

• Father, help her get better soon. There is so much she wants to do and see.

• Lord, May this one be the last time she has to stent 😊🙏

• Thank you, God, for this beautiful day and the gift of health that you give us. Please help us to always be healthy and strong, both physically and spiritually.

• I pray that you would be healed, Mom. I pray that your strength would be renewed day after day.

• I pray for my mom’s health and I ask u all to Pray with me.

• Please be with our family in this hard time. May she regain health after surgery.

• Dear God, please give my Mom a clean bill of health from her doctor. We are counting on You to do the impossible and restore her health completely.

• Lord, I pray for my mom’s healing and for a speedy recovery.

• Lord, bring light and healing to our family in this difficult time. We thank you for the moments of joy, hope, and healing that you bring. Amen.

• Dear Lord and Father of this world, I pray for the health, in body and soul, of my dear mother.

• May our sweet sister’s suffering be eased, And her recovery swift and sure. (Mt. 6:9)

• Dear Lord, please bring strength and comfort to our beautiful warrior mom for her hour of need.

• 🙏 May you and your loved ones be blessed with a long, happy life.

• I want this to be a place where you can come feel safe, loved, and appreciated. Let’s create something beautiful together. ❤

• With many prayers and warmest wishes, may you come out stronger than before?

• GOD just wanted to heal me, I’m always in a prayer mood when I’m with you. You’re the fuel and you’re my family✝

• may god’s healing hands bring you comfort and hope at this time of sorrow? may he fill your heart with joy as you welcome him into your life. #prayfor

• Dear Lord, heal her. Please, make her well again. We need her strength and love. To you, I pray. Amen

• Lord, please help my mom get better.

• Lord, help my mom recover from her illness. Please give her the strength and courage to endure this grim battle. Amen!

• Prayers for the families and friends of those who have been killed or injured.

• Lord, please ease her pain and comfort her loved ones as they mourn the loss of such a wonderful woman.

• We call on the spirits of plants to surround you with healing energy. May your pain leaves you, and may you feel renewed in body and spirit

• Lord, I thank you for the strength you give me every day to help me face this challenge. And I pray that your will be done…

• Lord, please heal my mom who was diagnosed with cancer. Heal her completely so that it would not come back again. Please. I beg of you. Amen

• Dear God, thank you for giving me the strength to do everything I need to do today. Thank you for healing my mother.

• Dear God, give strength to my mom and the rest of the family who is suffering from this terrible tragedy. Heal her with your grace and mercy. amen

• Dear God, please help my mom recover soon. I love her so much and can’t wait to spend some good quality time with her again. ❤️🙏

• I prayed for you in hopes of healing and restoration. God, please answer my prayer.

• Please help mom with her anguish, anxiety, fear, and depression.

• Dear God, please heal her. The Doctor’s can only do so much. Heal her and let her live a long life with us.

• lord fill me with your love bless my soul when life is full of pain and sorrow please help me to be strong for I can not do it alone in god, name amen.

• I don’t know why things happen the way they do. But I thank God I’m with my family. Please let my mom get better.

• Lord, I pray that all moms who have struggled with infertility would feel your love in their hearts and experience the joy of motherhood. Amen!

• The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

• 🙏we pray for this mom to be healed from her illness 🙏bless her family 🙏thank you for your healing hands #HailMary

• Lord, as we journey through this cancer battle, I pray for strength, peace, and healing touch. 🙏 🌸

• I pray today for all the moms who are in need of a miracle. May you find comfort and peace in your journey.

• Dear God, please bless my mom with a complete and fast recovery.

• Please Lord, let my mom recover fully from the surgery.

• Heal our deepest wounds. Wash away our sorrows. Fill us with your hope, that we might know you more deeply in all things.

• Dear God, please give my mother all the strength and courage to fight this battle.

• Dear God, please pray for my mom. She has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

• Lord, may all the ill in my body be healed. May all the pains in my heart and soul disappear. Lord, fill me with your grace upon grace and love upon love.

• Dear God, thank you for the strength and the opportunity to be able to stand strong by her side during this time of recovery. We are grateful 🙏

• Today, I’m asking that you keep her in your thoughts. And if you’re led to, please pray for the Wellness of Christina Neylon. Thank you ♥️

• May the peace of the Lord be with you during this time of healing

• Dear God, please let my mom feel better. Amen.

• Dear Lord, give me the strength to handle my mom’s nagging and her meddling.

• Holy mother of pearl. I’m about to be a mom for the first time. Please don’t let me screw this up. Also, please let me know that I’m doing something right, of course.

• Please let this next doctor’s visit be the one that brings us some good news.

• As I walk this road, I know you are beside me. I will not be afraid. Your hand of love and comfort is there for me as I see my way through this dark night.

• Heavenly father. Please grant mom a safe and healthy recovery.

• Dear Lord, please help me to be strong and comfort all my family right now. We need you more than ever.

• In times of pain, know that there is someone out there who can relate and pray with you.

• We pray for all mothers to be healthy, serene, and happy Mothers’ Day! 🌻🙏

• Lord, thank you for helping me to recover from my fall and be stronger than ever.

• Give me the strength to carry on as a mom “Let me not be weary in well doing”

• Lord, increase our faith. May we have faith to believe that there is no mountain you cannot move.

• Lord, please heal my mom and make her strong again. I pray you will give her life once more.

• Dear God, we pray for a miracle to restore my mom’s health. 🙏⁣

• Please bring my mom back to health so she can be there to walk me down the aisle.

• Lord, help me be a mom who soothes the suffering of her child . . . not just fixes it.

• Prayers for healing, strength, understanding, and peace.

• Dear God, thank you for healing my broken heart and making me feel whole again. I am grateful for the love I have all around me and couldn’t ask for more.🌻

• Dear God, please heal my mom and make her better again. Thank you. ʙ‿ʘ

• Dear God, please be with my mom right now. Guide the doctors and nurses to help her get better so she can come home…

• Dear God. Let this family be healed of their disease by your grace and mercy. Amen

• Dear Lord, please help my mom get well soon. We’re all praying for her. Amen

• God bless my mom, who just had both of her hips replaced. May she heal quickly and effervescently. ❤

• Dear Lord, it is with a grateful heart that I thank you for the blessing of good health that can be restored through treatment.

• Lord, you gave me two hands. I hope I never use one to strangle the other.

• May all beings be in peace and free from suffering, you are in my heart today. #shortprayerforhealingmoms

• God, please let this cancer treatment work. I know you can heal me so that I may see my grandchildren grow up healthy, strong, and happy. Amen

• Lord, heal my mom who is ill. Heal her and make her whole again. Let her be filled with your healing light.

• Dear God, please restore my mom’s health. Please let her live 10 more years and be able to celebrate my wedding anniversary with me. I love you, thank you, amen.

• Dear Lord, please help my mom get well again. I miss her and I hope she will be able to spend more time with her family soon. Amen

• God, please bless my mom so that she will make it through this surgery and be healthy again.

• Dear God, please cast your healing hands over my mother, and give her a quick recovery. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• Let your light shine through, Mom. Shine it on me, Dad. Shine it on everyone who needs you to be well and strong.

• Dear God, may all of you who are sick or in pain have a speedy recovery. 🙏

• Lord, help our mom to heal and be healthy again. Let her breathe freely and live with ease. Let the cancer cells be destroyed.

• GOD, I pray that you would bless my mom with healing and strength during her breast cancer treatment. In your name, I pray. Amen.

• Dear God, please help and heal mom from her ailment.

• God, please heal my mom. She is going through the hardest time right now. Please help her to overcome this difficulty. We love you so much, God.

• Dear God, please heal my mother. She has had a big operation and is not doing well. I pray for her recovery. Amen

• Lord, please heal my mom and make her feel better. Amen

• I pray for healing for your soul, mind, and body as you embark on this journey toward wholeness and overall wellness.

• My prayer for you today is that God will heal you and restore your health #prayforpeace

• That’s it, breathe in and out, your pain is healing. It is healing.

• Dear Lord, please let the whole community be healed from this dengue infection.

• Lord, grant me the strength to open up to my friends and family and let them see how much I need them right now.

• Lord, give me the strength to do the hard work of parenting. Help me be a good and patient mother.

• break and healing of my mom may her soul rest in peace Amen

• 🌞 I lift up to the Lord ⛪️ for healing and restoration of my dear mother. May her health be restored, her body strengthened, and her soul released from pain.🙏

• Lord, my mom needs your healing grace. Bring her peace.

• Dear God, please heal my mom. I know it’s too much to ask but I had to try.

• Dear God, please watch over me and my mom. She is the most important person in my life. Please help her fight this illness.

• Dear God, bless my mom’s health. Thank you for your protection and care. Amen. ♥🙏

• Lord, I just pray whatever this illness is, it will leave my mother’s body through her feet, and not her head.

• Blessed be the space where wounds can heal and spirits can rise. May all those who walk on this earth find that space. Thank you

• Amen, to giving mom’s a break from cooking, cleaning, and caring for the entire family.

• Lord, may the peace and comfort of heaven surround and sustain your mother.

• May the divine strength of the universe fill you with its blessings this season and beyond. #happymothersday

• God, please bring them home safely. Amen.

• Lord, thank you for healing my mom through radiation therapy

• Dear Lord, please heal mother, save her from suffering and grant her the strength to bear this sojourn into your hands.

• Lord, please help mom heal from her sickness. She is still undergoing treatment and needs all the support we can give. #prayforourmom

• God, heal Mommy. Help her to feel well again. Amen

• Dear God, please heal my mom. Thank you. Amen

• I pray for healing and peace for those who are suffering #praying

• God bless the mom who lost her son, who died in a car accident God heal her emotional wounds.

• Dear God, please bless my mom and give her healing from her sickness. ❤❤

• To my dear mom, I wish you all the best and a swift recovery. May the Lord grant your request.

• I pray for the recovery of all those who are bedridden and sick.

• Lord, fill the doctors with knowledge and wisdom, so that they may heal my friend ❤️.

• may you be at peace today, may you feel loved, and may your family be at peace.

• I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

• Prayers for your ailing mom to heal fast. We are here to help if you need us.

• Lord, hear my prayers. There is no soothing ointment like your presence. Please heal my mom

• God, please make my mom’s health problems disappear. Thank you for answering all of my prayers so far.

• Lord, I pray for my mom’s speedy and full recovery. Heal her injury, strengthen her body, and mend her soul. Thank you for your love and mercy. Always, Amen

• Lord, please help us all as we join together today to lift up Terrie. We pray for her swift recovery and offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. ❤🙏

• If there be any who can hear us, let them look upon us with pity. Let them send comfort to Laura in her illness. By their will may it be so.

• Sending love and a prayer for you and your family.

• God, we pray for Maritess and the baby. Help them get well soon. And give Maritess strength to endure her difficult situation. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen

• I’ll be praying for you today. Have a blessed week.

• Lord, help me to remember the lessons that my mother taught me when I need them the most. No one can take her place.

• Lord, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. #perspective

• Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

• God, please heal my mom. It’s been a long time since she last visited the hospital and it has been more than three years since she was last taken to the medical doctor.

• Lord please heal this sweet momma. Allow her to recover and feel your love in the thick of it. We are here for you my dear! 🙏🏿

• Dear Lord, I pray that mom finds healing and comfort as I give her this massage.

• Lord, please heal my mother. She is so sick. Help her get better soon. I’m praying for her complete recovery.

• God, please heal my mom. She has been sick for so long, and I love her as much as I can.

• Dear Lord, please heal my mom and help her with her pains. I love you, Lord. Thank you. Amen

• Dear Lord, we ask that you watch over my mother and guide her every step.

• Dear God, please help my mom get better.

• Dear God, please help me bring her back to life.

• May this summer be filled with as much joy as last year. And may the memories be even sweeter. Love from all of us ☀ 🍹 🍰

• Even when it seems the bad luck train has come and hit you, things will turn around. 🙏☺