First Aid Captions for Instagram

Do you know what kind of captions will capture your audience’s attention and boost engagement on Instagram? According to an article in Crowdtap, 53% of Instagram users like Instagram captions because they are short and relevant. This is even more interesting, most people want to know what a brand is all about, so they often connect with captions that talk about personalities and favorite things. So below are some of the best first aid captions you could share with your users.

First Aid Captions for Instagram

• “First aid is the immediate care given to an injured person. It can mean the difference between life and death.”

• Most first aid books aren’t going to stop you getting hurt. In fact, they’re more likely to make things worse. Be prepared, know CPR!

• First Aid. First You Have To Get Their Attention. Then You Have To Tell Them Something They’ll Remember.

• Never underestimate the power of preparation.

• Have you ever stopped to think how important first aid is?

• The problem is that the people who need first aid don’t have it, and the people who have it don’t seem to need it.

• Reduce your risks of injury and infection by cleaning your wound with soap and water.

• “Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.

• “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

• The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

• When you are too bad, have a good time.

• “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

• The best way to predict the future is to create it

• First aid saves lives, but it can also save the life of your loved ones.

• First Aid is something you learn for helping others

• First day of school? Bring a first aid kit.

• Don’t just carry a first aid kit; know how to use it.

• Help spread the word! Always have first aid kits ready in your home, especially when you have children.

• Be careful at home and in the office—not all injuries are that obvious. Learn how to give proper first aid treatment here

• An Injury can be fatal if left unattended

• We don’t always think about our health until something happens and we are forced to deal with a life-threatening illness or some other type of emergency.

• The most important thing about an emergency is to stay calm.

• You’ll never get hurt if you don’t care.

• Practice what you preach and take your meds! Good health comes first!

• One of the great desires of my heart is to serve people wherever I have an opportunity..

• We take care of those who take care of others. First aid training, first aid kits, and first aid supplies for everyone.

• You can take first aid anywhere and wherever you are.

• Make sure you have a First Aid Kit in your home and car and pack one for travel.

• Get your summer skin ready with our lotion, sunscreen, and after-skincare products for helping to protect you from the sun

• Every second counts in a medical emergency. Emergency Preparedness: Know What to Do before, during, and after an emergency

• Every second counts. Know the common symptoms of a stroke and know when to call an ambulance with F.A.S.T.

• Dealing with anxiety can be crippling but it doesn’t have to be.

• “In a cup of coffee, there is freedom and the strength to face reality.”

• Aspirin, I think. No—wait, that’s too many pills. Nevermind.

• Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.

• Limit your intake of alcohol, as well as foods that are high in saturated fat or salt.

• An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

• A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.

• But #FirstAid is a lifesaving skill. It can make the difference between life and death.

• If you don’t have a first aid kit, you’re putting your family at risk.

• If you’re a first time customer, sign up for our new ‘First Time Aid’ program

• help first aid advice is never far away with the free St John Ambulance app.

• Take our latest online first aid course, and save a life today.

• The first step when treating a wound is to clean the injury by washing away dirt or germs.

• You never know when water safety skills might save a life. Watch this video to learn more about why we should be doing it.

• The first wealth Is health. Don’t neglect it.

• If you are prepared, there’s always a solution!

• The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

• First Aid isn’t a skill set, it is a Life Skill Set.

• You never know when you might need a first aid kit, but you’ll always be glad that you have it. Be prepared.

• Reduce your risk of first aid issues by creating a first aid kit with these basic supplies.

• The only thing more beautiful than the plants in your garden is you.

• The first aid for a poisonous snakebite is to brush off the snake and to pick up your friend and run.

• Tripping out of a foxhole is one thing, but getting up and staying alive is another.

• Prevention is better than cure.

• You can’t change the world, but you can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

• “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.”

• First aid is the immediate care given to someone who has suddenly sickened or been hurt in an accident. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability.

• When it comes to first-aid, don’t only know what to do, know how to do it.

• Help someone out today. You might not understand how big of a difference you’ve made in their life.

• With a single drop of blood, you can more accurately assess your current health than ever before.

• For every burning flame, there is a solution. We are here to provide it.

• All it takes is a little help from your friends.

• Be careful around the house. You never know when you’ll get cut, get shot, or have to kill a hobo.

• When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.

• Remember to check your glucose levels before, after, and during physical exercise. Some other suggestions:

• When someone helps you, give them the credit that they deserve. But when you are saved by divine intervention, attribute it to God and be grateful.

• You have to have confidence in your abilities and then be tough enough to follow through. Rosalynn Carter

• Let first aid serve as your bridge between injury and recovery.

• A first aid kit is like a shield, it can protect you and others from injuries.

• Saving our lives is what first aid is all about.

• Do not wait until you get hurt to learn first aid. Learn it now before it is too late.

• It’s better to have first aid knowledge and not need it than to need it and not have it.

• Don’t forget to ask your friends and family if they know how to do CPR.

• Help them live their best lives and teach them to be prepared.

• Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.

• Finding a best friend is about being able to say “I love you” without having to say anything at all.

• You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.

• The more you give, the more you have.

• First aid is not about how many skills you know. It’s about knowing when to apply them and how to apply them – intelligently, safely, and calmly

• “First Aid: the whole art of healing reduced to a single phrase: keep the airway open.” –Archibald MacLeish

• It’s more than just a first aid kit. It’s essential for any disaster, big or small.

• Being hurt and feeling pain is not a sign of weakness. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

• There’s nothing more attractive than a person who is always helping others.

• In the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.

• “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

• Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.

• A human life is a story told by God.

• The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

• There are old scuba divers and there are bold scuba divers, but there are no old, bold scuba divers.

• The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

• First aid is not a destination, but an important journey to save lives. #savealife

• First aid means helping someone who is hurt or sick until more advanced help arrives. It can be given by anyone.

• Having a good time is always better with First Aid.

• What is most important, almost everything in life has a first aid solution.

• You may feel pain for a little while. but it takes a lot of courage to heal a broken heart!

• It’s better to be prepared than sorry

• ‘Love yourself first and everything else falls into line’. – Lucille Ball

• Every day, you are in a different stage of life and it should be embraced. Don’t waste another minute on this beautiful earth!

• If you have to go through hell, keep on going—don’t stop.

• Perfection is not just about control. It’s also about letting go.

• You cannot control everything that happens, but you can control your attitude.

• Accidents happen, but with the right training and knowledge, you can help those around you in need. #FirstAid

• First aid may save a life, but CPR can bring someone back to it, so learn how to do both.

• Don’t wait until a major accident happens to be prepared—get a first aid kit for car, camping, and home now.

• Don’t underestimate the importance of empathy in first aid treatment.

• “Treat yourself with the same kindness, compassion, and love that you would treat your best friend with.”

• The best way to stop the spread of disease and infection is to always wash hands.

• “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others. ”

• Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity

• The most important thing in the world is family and love.

• An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

• Believe that good things will happen to you

• First aid is the help or treatment you give to a sick or injured person before medical help arrives.

• It’s amazing how GOOD first aid skills can make you FEEL, especially when the situation isn’t GOOD.

• First Aid is the help you give to an injured or ill person until full medical treatment is available.

• Don’t be afraid of the first aid kit. It’s always there for you when you need it most.

• In a world where you can be anything, be the first aider.

• If you sprain your ankle and it hurts when you walk, don’t walk (duh).

• Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

• Stay safe. Get certified with our CPR training today.

• There’s a place in the world for us, for us

• You don’t have to be rich to take care of yourself.

• “I believe in safety first. That’s why I believe in treatment before accident.”

• The best time to get organized is NOW. With the right tools, you’ll be ready for just about anything.

• “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”

• The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

• Don’t be angry at others, only be angry at your mistakes

• Always prepare yourself for the unexpected. Start your first aid kit

• With a first aid kit in your car, you can help be someone’s hero

• Makes a perfect first aid kit

• Don’t let your first aid kit expire—come in and refill today!

• Knowledge of first aid is the best insurance against accidents.

• Wash your hands, Sanitize and Protect everyone!

• Remember: No matter how much we bleed, we won’t die.

• There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.

• Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other!

• At some point, you will realize that your own good is more important than the good of the many.

• When you can’t solve a problem, it’s because you’re playing by the rules. – Paul Arden

• Always keep some extra first aid supplies on hand for when you need it

• Preventing a small cut from becoming a bigger problem can be as simple as applying an antiseptic. Keep your first aid kit handy!

• Always be sure to tackle first-aid issues as soon as possible: “The quick fix is the best fix.”

• Don’t let cuts and scrapes slow you down. Band-Aid Brand can keep you going with the tough protection that only it can provide.

• You need to heal yourself before you can heal others

• Be the Inspiration that people need to be well.

• I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it

• Reckless people injure themselves in strange ways

• Avoiding situations that might trigger anxiety is important for feeling safe, but it also prevents you from learning how to tolerate distress.

• An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

• First aid is a simple skill that can save lives. We should all know how to do it.

• Don’t let accidents crush your summer fun. Check out our first aid tips and products before you head out this weekend.

• Safety check: make sure you have these first aid essentials for travel.

• There are so many ways to get hurt. We could take photos and make you smile, but better still — why not be careful?

• The best way to help your friend is to take care of yourself FIRST.

• &informative: Don’t let the little boo-boos get you down!

• “When you aren’t looking for something, that’s when it comes to finding you.”—Broken wishes by Julianne Coleman

• The public service announcements are pretty scary. But if you learn CPR, you can help save a life.

• No one really knows how much impact they have on the lives of other people.

• The best way to get started is to stop talking and start doing.

• Take a moment to be still, listen to your breath and cultivate the energy of calm in your heart.

• The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.

• Make It Easy To Find Critical Information. First Aid app saves lives!

• When you have first aid skills, you also have the power to save a life. So take a minute to learn how it can help you save someone’s life one day!

• First aid is not all that complicated. You, too, can become a first aid hero!

• You never know when you might need first aid skills.

• Sometimes first aid is all that stands between life and death. Be prepared for the unexpected and learn how to save a life today.

• The earlier you get first aid, the better the chance of survival.

• The human body is the best work of art.

• Be prepared and stay safe.

• A little help can go a long way.

• If you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

• According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,

• Always be ready for the unexpected.

• “In life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people – and simply let them be wrong.”

• A first aid kit is what you need when something goes wrong.

• Make sure you have an updated first aid kit in your home and car.

• When in pain, the first thing I do is drink water. It helps wash away those negative thoughts you have going on in your head.

• “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

• Itchy bites? Dry skin? Read our blog for tips on surviving summer.

• If you can’t help someone, at least don’t hurt them.

• Speak up for those who have no voice, give hope to those who are losing heart.

• Give Him the Best of You, Not What’s Left of You.

• If you’re not bleeding, let’s keep adventuring.

• If you have a friend who finds you annoying, thank them for putting up with your annoying bits. You’re lucky to have someone who cares so much.

• Some people want to be part of your life, but the best position is a savior.

• They say you get what you pay for. For your health, STAY SAFE and call 911

• ALWAYS be prepared for the worst.

• If you love your life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

• Always be ready! A first aid kit will always come in handy. Have one with you all the time

• The difference between life and death is how quickly you can act! First aid training lets you be that difference.

• Creating a first aid kit is easy, just make sure you know what to put in it.

• Our society has become more conscious about health and wellness. Let’s keep up with the pace!

• Take my hand, I’ll teach you to dance. I’ll spin you around, won’t let you fall down. Promises promises

• Self-care is an important ingredient for your day. Make sure to take some time out of your busy schedule to unwind and recharge.

• Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done!

• “For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” ― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

• If you want to see a rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.

• If you never try, you will never know the outcome

• Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

• You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking back, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

• First aid is your immediate help to an injured person in need until medical aid reaches them.

• First aid is something that everyone should know so that you can be the difference between life and death.

• Be sure to get your first aid kit ready before you head out on your next adventure! It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

• When it comes to first aid, prevention is better than cure.

• It’s better to have a first aid kit and not need it than need a first aid kit and not have one.

• The thing I like most about being a nurse is the fact that I can make a positive difference in someone’s day.

• No matter how little the injury, should be treated as an emergency.

• Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

• You can’t pick up others if you can’t carry yourself.

• You don’t have to be rich to be my friend.

• This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” — Winston Churchill

• Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.

• If you wish to base your arguments on facts, go ahead and use facts.