Throwback School Day’s Captions and Motivation

Throwback School Day’s Captions and Motivation: Remember those good old days where we all went to school, fought with the teachers, got punished for talking back or throwing paper balls or slippers, and had loads of fun during the summer holidays? It might be hard to remember them but we have them all in pictures. Here are few captions pictures that will surely remind you of the good old school days.

Throwback School Day’s Captions and Motivation

• Throwback to your school days, when you sat at the right hand of your teacher and had more spellings tests than Instagram captions daily. Here’s to that feeling when all you need is a little motivation like “Screw 2nd grade!”

• In the hallways of our schools, the echoes of our footsteps are those we’ll never forget. If you like your school days, give them one more chance.

• When you were in school, were you the kid who did her homework on time? I was. The future is now, always has been, and will be. So dream big!

• Throwback to the time when we designed lawn chairs ☆

• School may be for the birds, but every bird learns to fly. Start flapping your wings.

• Nothing worth having ever comes easy #tbt

• Don’t look back, someday you’ll miss it so much that you’ll come back.

• When you’re looking at your dreams and can’t see the light yet, don’t settle. Refresh. Double down.

• We were having none of that 😶😂.

• On a scale of 1-10 (Ten being the highest), your first day of class was 🍑!

• You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

• Whatever the problem, be a solution.

• Lee v Yang, Tyson vs Holyfield, McEnroe vs Connors, Bird vs Magic – the greatest rivalries in sports have been fueled by explosive personalities and unflappable will. Greatness comes from within.

• Quit following your fears. Set goals that make you feel alive—wake up each morning and do what you love to do, not because it’s useful or even paid, but purely for the joy of doing it.

• Let’s get back to school 😬

• Don’t miss a chance to network. Stay in touch with your classmates and share what you did after school.

• I was called the nerd in school. Here’s why I say that with pride.

• We’re back in school. The 90s called, they want their choker necklaces back 😜

• History has shown us there is power in numbers. But it will also show that nothing lasts forever. #ThrowbackThursday

• I’m taking you back to the good old school days when picking up a phone and dialing someone’s number was considered more daring than sending an email. Stay bold and go vintage with your next Instagram post.😎

• There used to be a myth that you should wait 3 days before following back. They are your new classmates, start the school year off with fit notes and follow each other back.

• Monday mornings got nothing on you. You’re a boss 👊👊👊💪✌⏲

• Oh, how I love a #TBT. Reminds me that I’m better today than yesterday. And tomorrow will be even better! 💪 #throwback

• Remember when you used to stay up late finishing that 10-page term paper? Neither do we. But don’t worry – we’ve got your back.

• As the wind whispers through the leaves, you can feel the butterflies in your stomach. And that’s called nostalgia.

• For the most powerful light, shine through the darkness. -Mrs. Wills

• When there’s no more room left at the Inn and you still have a few exams to go, hideout in the library instead. The only difference: it’s going to be your spot for finals week all year round. 😋

• The best workout is never doing one. 💪

• Regret past mistakes or failures? Don’t. Everything that you have learned from them has helped sculpt you into the person you are today. Let go of past failures, and remember only lessons.

• Our Throwback School Days first edition is out now! We are so excited to share our story with you! Learn more ☺️ #throwback

• Throwback to my school days where determination and hard work are made with the help of a bookworm.

• Make more of your days. School is out for summer.

• Make school POP. Make it matter. Make a difference in your community and the world. Learn more about postsecondary education 📚💻🖥

• We’re back in school, but don’t stress out. There’s no test for learning how to look great.

• We’re proud to say that this #ThrowbackThursday is a throw-forward to better and brighter days.

• The good old days, back when we were in school, just having a plain old good time 📚😎

• Hail to the Class of ’96, we were all so young. Now as grown-ups, we forget how we were so cool 🎓📚 Happy Throwback Thursday!

• “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ― William Butler Yeats

• The first time they see what they are made of can be intimidating. But it’s your inner strength that will get you through the big moments in life. See who else cut.

• The secret to success: Never quit learning.

• Recess is the most important period of our day. #ThrowbackSchool

• Do you remember the smell of fresh-cut grass? How about recess games? School lunches? And fake naps in the afternoon? ##Let’s stop reminiscing and embrace today’s school days with tons of fun, school spirit, and plenty of 💯s.

• Let’s get back to school 📚��😎

• Rise Above the Rest with a College Education that is Built to Last 🏫 #throwbackthursday

• Prepare for your future with a back-to-school haircut.

• Throwback Thursday to the days when you could feel that youthful surge of adrenaline and just think #goals for the future

• Making a new year’s resolution to get a degree and get ahead? You’re not alone. And we have the tools to help you succeed. #backtoschool

• Heroin. Weed. Booze. Need a little inspiration? We all do.

• Don’t just be a part of the conversation, start one.

• Don’t let what you can’t do become what you won’t do. Outwork everyone and you will be in a class of your own. #igersnewyorkcity

• The best things come from far away and some of the best things in life are yet to be.

• Imagine where you’ll be in five years 📚💻🖊

• When you’re playing #ThrowbackSchool in the #ChampionsLeague, you have to carry yourself with a daily dose of focus and dedication—this is @cristiano’s daily routine.👌

• In school, we all had those teachers who were the BEST! Nurturing, inspiring, and full of energy. But somehow they also made us laugh and helped us learn.

• We’re a throwback to a time when we knew how to use a pencil and still got good grades (unlike today). Here’s to finding a balance between old school and new school.

• High school was the beginning of our journey… Reminisce how far you have come. Keep up the good work. 🌟

• High school can be rough. But that doesn’t mean you should give up your awesome potential. Always shoot for the moon. Put your best foot forward—you’ll never be able to look back 👍🏽

• High school graduation is just around the corner. It’s time to take charge of your future and remember all that you are. Remember it all! Nothing can stop you now!

• Think of all that you need to learn—both in school and in life. Education is a beautiful thing. Stay curious.

• I was never the best at anything. I enjoyed school and did the work. The work is who I am now. Stay hungry, stay focused.

• Can ya still throw it back to the days when you didn’t have do not hang out with friends each day? Or wait until 5 pm to come home? Those were the days.

• Swirl, sniff, and raise your fork. The future belongs to those who taste 👀 #tbt

• I was everywhere. I wasn’t anywhere. Okay? I knew what was going on around. And that helped me when it came time to study for a test. When you’re in class, listen! Learn while they got you there.

• What are you waiting for? Let’s do it!

• It’s officially midterms season—don’t forget to learn from the past year, take a look at your grade history, and set goals for this semester. If you could go back in time for one day, what would it be?

• Throwback to when picture day was a big deal and yearbook photos were a must. Make sure you’re enjoying every minute of your high school years 📚📷🎓

• School days 🎓 and 24 hrs🕛 are better when enjoyed with a cup of our regular blend.

• We think of you more than ever as the start of a new school year approaches. Remember to make every day count—because that’s how real life works.

• Throwback! Can you spot the young @adidas employees? #tbt

• Throwback to my freshman year of high school. Looks like time flies. 🙂

• Nothing wrong with a little BTS daydreaming. 😉

• ⏰Be the absolute best version of yourself today. 😀

• You’re going to make mistakes. Talk louder, sing prouder, and don’t worry about the rest. Turn your back on what you know and do what you feel. You can do anything you set your mind to.

• You can either use your education to build a fortune, or you can use it to build a future.

• I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I’m too busy being awesome to worry about the fact that I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself.

• It’s time to get your school year started right with our Throwback sandwiches. They’re total #Classic and ready for you to take notes on their great taste, together with bold and hearty bread.

• Throwback to the first day of school . . . in a throwback onesie. #TBT

• A blast from the past—back to our roots and back to school!

Throwback School Day’s Quotes

• Growing up, schooling was more than a to-do list of classes and extracurriculars. It was an opportunity to spend time with friends, build passions, and discover who you are.

• Throwback to some of our early work, From memory banks in your mind, throw out the things that make you feel like you’re not good enough.

• The only good reason to stay up past your bedtime is if you’re learning something new at this 👌👌 school.

• Wake up. Work hard. Stay humble. Focus on the task at hand, and never stop learning. The world is yours for the taking, but you have to grab it yourself.

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

• Don’t look where you came from—look at where you came from and enjoy your victory!

• If you can’t outrun ’em, outsmart ’em. ⚖️🔬

• Productivity is the art of keeping up with yesterday.

• Our school’s motto was ‘Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam’ or ‘For the greater glory of God.’

• What are you most grateful for today? How do you want to improve yourself today? Let me know in the comments below!

• When everyone around you is playing it safe, take a risk (but remember to not forget the umbrella).

• We’ve all been there. Whether you graduated years ago or just yesterday, we can all agree the majority of our school photos have the same awkward theme ☝🏼 Whoever said life begins at 25 was wrong #ThrowbackSchoolDays

• Yo #ThrowbackThursday – let’s kick off this edition of Throwback School with a photo from my high school days.

• Whoa 👀to this #tbt of when we were in school 📚.

• When this was your textbook. And this was the only chair. Didn’t we all aspire to get there?

• Throwback#5kfor5: There are no records of failed to plan Plans, only of failed to execute them. So just go ahead and make your plans work.

• Remember all the good times, the laughter, and days of old.

• There once was me, afraid and confused by so many great things I didn’t do. But you showed me I can be myself and be anything if I’m just being true to myself.✌️🙌

• It’s never too late to learn and grow. Get on the path to learning a new language, or start over with an old one!

• The best decision I ever made was choosing my friends wisely. Stay in touch with them everyone!

• When you’re ready to finally claim the power of your own story and not be defined by anyone else’s interpretation of it.

• Oh the places you’ll go with a Bobst in your hands \m/

• Are you going to be that guy who blows off today like it doesn’t count or are you going to give it all you’ve got? – Vince Lombardi

• Yearbook quote: “If you hang in there, someday you’re gonna look back on this time and laugh.”― Steve Maraboli #ThrowbackSchoolDay

• Good friends, a fine atmosphere, and a lack of thought. Throw back to those bittersweet days of school.

• When it was all about #TBT: go back to basics and focus on things that brought you joy when you were a kid.

• Never be ashamed of your education. Show it off when you put that school name on the back of your jacket!

• P.S.: You might not have your desk, but you will have your followers.

• There’s no need to wait for that moment when you’ve rounded the corner and your whole life is ahead of you. You’re here. You’re ready.

• We’re going back to the ’90s.

• You never forget how to ride a bike. That skill and experience last forever. True for life, true for learning. #throwbackthursday

• Dream bigger. When you’re tackling a new challenge, don’t play small. Tackle it head-on. Be bold 🔥💪

• What were you doing at this time last year?

• The world is your oyster. Choose five pearls and cultivate them into the pearliest of futures. 🐚

• You’ll never know how many possibilities lie ahead until you let something go.

• What you worked on yesterday is only as good as what you are working toward today.

• Your journey doesn’t end here. You are never finished learning and growing—even at Throwback School.

• Throwback to the day when we were in school. The impossible of procrastination, the deadlines, and the assignments. #ThrowbackSchoolDay

• Bring on the chalkboards, rulers, and wake up early! Good old school days are the best days.

• School may have been a drag, but would we have traded the classroom for some chill time at the skate park? Hell no.

• Remember the time you didn’t care about finals and the day was endless? Now get back to work. #backtoschool

• Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Work hard and fight for your dreams!

• Stacking honor roll certificates since 2000.

• Let’s learn something. When the odds are stacked against us, we get better.

• Sick of sitting at your desk all day? Remember to stand up and stretch every 20 minutes. #StandingDesk

• A wise man once said that your future begins yesterday.

• Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. The wisdom to explore the unknown, And the strength to face the consequence of our actions…I forgot who said that.

• “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”-Robert Frost (1874-1963)

• Get back to school Monday motivation #TGBSM

• Let’s make every day a Throwback Thursday

• Back to school. Not just for kids anymore.

• Coaxed me into wearing polyester blazers back then 👔👚 but I’m here now, carrying it like a boss. #ThrowbackDays

• You don’t need to be in school to learn something every day.

• At Shakespeare, the whole world is our classroom #tbt 👩🏻🎓

• I was never good at math, but I knew a good quote when I saw one.

• Queen of the class—celebrating your past successes and forging a path for new ones 🎓

• We aim to be the best in our field. The Meant to Be Better. This is not just a statement, but a way of living, acting and doing business.

• Thursday’s lesson is this: you’re only as cool as your last post. 👂

• So nice we had to post it twice 😜 #TGIF

• And when we say we’re moving forward, progress never stands still: it’s always on the move.

We started from the bottom now we here

• I couldn’t get a single person to help me edit my video. So I taught myself how to use Final Cut Pro and edited my own thing.

• No school like the old school. Mark your calendars for Thursday, Nov 1.

• It’s back to school time so hit the books and brush up on your social media skills. 📚📝🎓🎒

• Want a room with a view? Treat yourself to your first year at our school today.

Funny Throwback School Day’s Captions

• Kiss your last year of school goodbye and who’s ready for another year of knowledge and growth✨🎓

• If you could go back to school for ONE DAY and relive one entire year, which would it be and why?

• Quit living a boring, normal life. Give us your attention and we’ll give you everything else.

• We’ve been there. We’ve done it. Now it’s your turn.

• Class of the day: (Insert name here) class today. Class of the year🤗

• Don’t be afraid to push past your comfort zone—in grooming, style, and in life. Always Keep on Growing.

• If you want to be great, you have to study the greats. Specifically Michael Jordan.

• Watching the world of possibilities unfold before me.

• 1997: I graduated 👏🏻 Now it’s your turn.

• Do you hear the echoes of your old self? Perfected and polished, that voice used to live in your head, but no longer.

• Throwback to when life was simple, teachers had trust in students, and the coolest thing you could do with books was eaten them. ( 😂 )

• Throwback to the early days: I was a bowl of Jello and she wore a banana for earrings, she said “be my friend.”

• ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and these super cool kids could probably define it in their sleep. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• Remember the 90’s? We do 👀 And we can’t get enough of the nostalgic 90’s vibe.

• Class of 2017, what are you waiting for? The party is this weekend❗️😎

• Throwback Thursday 👚and the realization that the lunch ladies are probably out of a job now because these meals look more delicious than their processed cafeteria garbage.

• When you make goals for next year always remember to ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS! ⏰🎓❤️👨? #TBT

• Let’s graduate to the weekend🥂🍻😏#throwbackthursday

• Never underestimate yourself. The world needs more people like you.

• Don’t let yesterday hold you back. LIVE TODAY AND MAKE IT COUNT. 😎👨❤️💋👨

• Omg girl I found my math homework from freshman year 😂😂🤦🏼♀️☺️*gets inspired to go back to school*

• Make it a goal to become the type of person your favorite you from yesterday would be proud of. Ilysm from the past ☝

• You finished one year—what’s next?

• The best rejections are the ones that made you the stronger and better person you are now.