Best 120 Good captions for Facebook

Good captions for Facebook are short and sweet. When you’re creating your Facebook profile picture, post, or album, there is a little box where you can add a caption. Using a captivating Facebook caption will increase the number of likes and shares on your profile picture. Good captions for Facebook should be catchy enough to get people to click on them and read further.

Try using “caption contests” where people can submit their captions to win a prize. You can also establish funny “caption themes” like writing one caption about yourself and one caption about the person tagged in the photo.

A Facebook profile picture is the first thing people see when they take a look at your account. It can make or break the impression people have about you. Of course, Facebook profile pictures are not the only thing that matters. The caption you write for the picture also matters. What kind of caption should you write? And how can you find great captions for your profile pictures? We will discuss all these things in this article.

Good captions for Facebook

We’re all about the good vibes and here’s how you can spread them around with Facebook.

A good caption is like a side of happiness to make your post that much more captivating.

For those who have a tough time getting through their day, I have the perfect caption for you.

The most important part of a photo is the caption. Make it short and sweet, stick to your message, and watch how your audience responds!

This is what happens when you have green juice every single morning.

Get your team together, coffee in hand, and get ready for the week ahead.

You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing. Just the best you can be, right now.

Thanks for being there for us. You’re the best. Stay warm and enjoy the snow!

Hey, guys. I know you’re busy and we’re all about that life but just wanted to say “hi” on my way home from work today. Hope you had a great day!

We’re having a blast at work right now—and we couldn’t be happier with the new products on the way.

You don’t have to be perfect, just good enough #quote

We’re all in this together. Share a picture that reminds you of that #friendship

Share the best photos of your day. Tag us so we can see!

Words of encouragement to keep you going and pushing through the hardest times.

When you’re having a bad hair day and need to cheer’s a picture of your best friend hugging you.

Happy Monday! Have a great week ahead, and remember to smile and be kind to others.

A day spent with friends is the best way to get your mind off of things.

There’s only one thing better than a good friend — making it even better with a glass of wine.

Celebrate the good things in your life and share them on Facebook.

You can have the best caption, but it won’t matter if your content isn’t good enough!

Good things come to those who wait.  Your photos will be ready soon.

The sun is setting, the sky is blue. Life’s a beautiful thing.

When you have a great life, you know it. When your friends have a good time, we have to tell them.

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in your armpits.

Hope your day is as sunshine filled and wonderful as mine.

The best advice I’ve ever gotten was from someone who told me to “live in the moment” and stop worrying about what might happen.

Life is too short to not be happy . . . even when there’s a bunch of work to do.

You can never have too many likes, comments and shares.

When you see something that makes you smile, share it!

Good things happen when you step out of your comfort zone and go for it.

Throwback to when we all felt the need to post a picture of ourselves smiling ☺

“When life gets hard and the days are long, take some time for yourself.”

What is the best caption you can think of to describe these two kittens?

There is no greater feeling than sharing with others the memories that bring a smile to your face.

If you’re not doing anything today, then at least make a cup of coffee.

When you see the same sunset over and over, you know it’s beautiful.

Good captions for Facebook post that have a theme to them.

Make your caption stand out with the help of our Facebook photo captions.

It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time; creating good captions for Facebook is a great way to do that. Here are some good examples of captions:

No matter how you look at it, we have the perfect thing for your Instagram.

If you’re having a bad day, why not make it better with some cute photos of cats?

When you’re good, you’re very good. When you’re bad, you’re better than good.

here is a very good day to start the year with pure joy and fun.

Make the most of life. Live in the moment, make memories and express yourself.

When you’re on the go, it’s easy to get distracted. Keep your friends close and always look up when you hear a bird

The only way to really know what’s going on is to check back regularly.

Friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on the bigger picture and remember to smile 🙂

Here’s to the next trip, where we’ll stay up late talking about it.

What’s your favorite caption to be used in a Facebook post? Let us know below!

Happy Friday! Here’s to good vibes and great moments.

The only thing better than a good caption is the feeling you get when you make someone’s day.

We think you should know that, like us, this post has been liked by some of your friends.

Life is better when you share it with friends and family.

Sometimes you just need a little coffee to kick off your day.

We’re not here to judge your weekend plans… but we are here to make them a bit better if they include some of these 10 things.

The key to a great life: listen to your favorite people, eat amazing food and learn from the best.

I like to wake up early, grab a coffee and explore the day before I start my workday.

The best part of fall is the smell of freshly cut wood and the crunch of leaves under your feet.

We all have a story to tell. Tell it with us on Facebook!

It’s just not social media without a smile.

Yesterday’s “gram-worthy photo” may be today’s “lame caption.”

We don’t just post pictures, we share memories and stories.

A reminder to share the love in your life this Valentine’s Day.

We’re always thinking about you, your dreams and your goals.

The only things that matter in life are the people who love you.

Life is so much sweeter with some friends around. So, come join our crew and make some memories

Thanks to all the people who thought we were worth commenting on. We love you so much!

Don’t be afraid to make an entrance, because the attention will be on you—not your outfit.

When you have a good day, you’ll remember it. When you have a bad day, it’s still the same old story.

We all know that it’s hard to find an awesome caption for a photo, but we can help.

We want to hear your stories. Share yours with us on Instagram!

Sharing is caring. I share the good things with my friends and family, but also to mark the moments that made me who I am today.

“Let’s be better friends. It doesn’t get any better than hanging out with your best friend eating ice cream

When you’re feeling blue and life doesn’t seem like it’s worth living.

Imagine your confidence level can go up. You can be more beautiful and the world can see that

What’s your type? I’m a bit of a sucker for the classics.

We’re all about small moments. The ones that make you smile, connect with your friends and family, and really remember what it’s like to be alive.

This is. There is no better way to celebrate the weekend than with a good old fashioned ice cream cone.

When you realize your best friend is totally in love with you and it’s forever.

Don’t forget to laugh today. It may be the last laugh you get today.

A photo is worth a thousand words, but the best caption is worth 1,000,000.

Celebrate the good in your life with a friend or two this week.

The best part of the day is starting with a good day.

The person you meet today may be your best friend tomorrow.

It’s nice to see everyone smiling on this Monday. Cheers

You can’t stop the sun, but you can stop your selfie-stick.

When your friends are the only thing you look forward to after work…

It’s so easy to get distracted by this world, but it’s never too late to do something good.

Life is full of little, unexpected moments. Do enjoy them while they last

Calling all weekend warriors! You’re looking fresh and fierce.

Don’t believe that your best days are behind you. The future is still ahead of you.

Never stop looking for new adventures, because there’s always something new to discover.

Good captions for Facebook are a great way to make friends laugh. Let us help you create your own funny captions!

The best caption for this photo is “That’s a wrap!”

Whether you’re going out or staying in, you’ll want to check out this page for some great deals.

If you want to see what our weekend looks like, just scroll down. 🙂

It’s not about being perfect….It’s about being yourself.

Great news for all you new moms out there! Your life just got a lot more interesting

No matter what you choose to do, I’m always here for you.

We are just one of the many things that make life joyous. What’s your favorite thing?

We’re not perfect, and we’re even less perfect together.

There’s a thin line between genius and insanity. I just took some time off from being awesome.

The good life is one where you do what makes you happy.

When you see what you’re looking for, you’ll stop looking.

The good news is that there’s still time to get yourself in the mood for the weekend.

No matter what’s going on in your life, it’s always worth a smile. Cheers to that.

Nothing like a nice morning drive to bring you back to the good old days.

What do you get when you mix your best friend, the most beautiful sunset and the perfect soundtrack?

There’s a lot of pretty in this world, but none of it can distract us from the fact that we’re all just small specks of dust.

Happy Friday! It’s time to get excited about what’s ahead.

It’s always good to start the day with a smile. Good morning

Have a happy Monday, y’all! We hope you have a relaxing day ahead.

Seriously, how many times does this need to be said? A picture is worth a thousand words.

When you feel blue, just think of all the moments that made your day

When you’re feeling down on yourself, but you follow your dreams anyway.

Life is all about balance — enjoy your moments and live in the now.

Cheers to those who have and always will inspire us to be better. Happy Friday!

If you’re looking for a good caption for your Facebook post, consider these ideas.

What’s your favorite caption for Facebook? Let us know by using the hashtag #fbcaptions

Life is short. Have a good caption for your Facebook post.

Captions are the shortest form of marketing on Facebook. Use them wisely so that you can get the most out of your post!

Let’s connect with the people who matter most in our life. We are here for you.

Sometimes, the perfect photo is the one you don’t take.

I’m super happy to be part of this wonderful community!

It’s our honor to be able to serve you and your family. Let us know if we can help in any way.

Did you know that you don’t need to be a licensed pilot to fly?

A little humor goes a long way in sharing your personality and making your page more interesting.

Life is just a party—and Facebook is the place to throw it.

Be my friend, be my lover, but never be just my caption.

You’re a good person who’s always there for others and deserves to be celebrated.

If you want to make your best friend smile, just tell them something that makes them laugh.

Let your friends know that it’s not about money, it’s about the journey.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who love animals, and those who don’t.

When it’s cold outside and you don’t want to see anyone or anything.

When life gets you down, just remember this: it’s always summer in Chicago.

What is the secret to a happy marriage? It’s not just having the right person on your couch, but also having them in your car

The best caption for a Facebook post is one that captures the message, is memorable and engages the audience.

This is why we’re here, to make your life a little brighter.

Time to get those cameras ready—it’s the season for family picnics.

These are the times you tell someone you love them and mean it.

This is just the beginning. (Don’t worry, we’re not doing anything corny here)

Just because a picture is worth a thousand words, doesn’t mean you have to be so serious. Enjoy yourself today and tomorrow will be better

In a world full of noise, let’s all take a moment to share something that matters.

Happy Friday, friends! It’s a great day to get outside, enjoy the sunshine and check out all the new things happening in our community.

Hey there T-L-A-N-K. A little bit of summer sunshine might be just what the doctor ordered.

It’s like an ice cream sundae: the more you mix it up with other things, the better the taste.

Share your best caption for this photo with us on Facebook.

This is how we stay connected with friends and family.

It’s not always easy to find the right words to say, but here are some good captions for Facebook that you can use to show people how you feel about them.

We’re so excited to see what you’ve been up to this week!

When you’re good, you feel good. When you feel good, you do great things.

We know you’ll be smiling after your next trip to the grocery store.

This is the best caption we could write for our pictures – like it? Share with your friends.

That awkward moment when a friend posts the same photo and caption on your Facebook feed again.

We’re all about being real, open and honest in our lives. So let’s start living that way on social media.

The moment you know it’s time to be awesome.

If you like being outside and doing things, then this weekend is for you. Let’s go!

I’d rather be with my friends and family than doing anything else. ☺

The secret to a happy life is to live in the sunshine, laugh often and get drunk every night.

You can’t get better at something you don’t practice.

Life is a journey, and it’s filled with stops that require you to stop and smell the flowers.

Just because you’re going through a bad spell doesn’t mean your best days are behind you.

Who says the second day of a vacation is any less fun than the first?!

I look forward to the day when I’m in the shower and all I hear is my favorite tunes.