Being Apart From Your Love Quotes

The speed of the fast lane is just a tad too fast when you are missing your love. Being apart from someone you care about can be devastating. That’s why I’ve decided to share with you, Top 10 most inspiring and moving quotes about being apart from your love.

Being Apart From Your Love Quotes

Missing someone who means everything to you.

There’s a part of you that calls out to the other even when you are apart.

It’s hard to be apart from your love, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out and tell them how you feel

It’s hard to be apart from your love when you’re too far away. But we’ll get through it together.

When one is away from their love, time flies by and it’s hard to believe it has been so long. Time can heal many wounds, but my heart remains broken still.

Dearest to my heart, you have been away for a long time. I miss you like crazy. But I know that in time you will come home to me again and all will be as it should be.

Nothing compares to holding your heart in your hands. The feeling of being apart from that person is something no one should ever have to feel.

It hurts. It feels like you’ve been ripped in half but I’m still here standing strong.

Missing someone who fills your heart with so much joy, love, and excitement…

When you’re apart, you can’t see them. When you’re together, you can’t imagine life without them.

Being apart from my love is like a disease. It’s not easy, but I have to endure it until we can see each other again.

Don’t forget to take time to be together, because love is not a one-way street.

No matter where I am, I’m always thinking of you.

I can’t wait for the day that you’re finally mine.

We will always be together, even if it takes us a lifetime to get there.

It’s ok not to talk right now. I’m here with you no matter what.

You don’t need to be apart. You just need to know you’re loved.

We’re apart, yes, but we’re together. And that matters more than any distance could ever make it seem.

You can’t love someone without loving yourself.

Being apart from your love is like being lost in a sea of sadness with one straw left to drink from.

You can’t take my heart, but you can take MY hands. I miss you so much.

It’s always a struggle to be apart from someone you love. It’s not an easy thing, but I know it will pass.

You are always on my mind, even when you’re not with me.

You can’t see us but we’re looking back at you.

Tell them you love them. Tell them in person, tell them via text and even tell them through Instagram!

I’ll always love you and never stop trying to be the best version of myself for you.

I love you so much that I can’t stand being away from you.

When we are apart, it is so hard to know if we will ever be together again.

The best time to appreciate your loved ones is when they are not with you.

We have never been apart, but every time I close my eyes, I can see you in my mind.

Too many miles between us, but nothing can keep us apart. I love you always.

I’m aching for your touch, but I can’t keep my promise.

I’ve been away from you for a long time. I have to find my way back in.

There is nothing better than the feeling of being with your loved one, not a day goes by that we aren’t inseparable.

Every day without you I feel like I’m living my life in slow motion.

Being apart from your love is the hardest thing to face.

Falling in love is easy. It’s being apart that matters.

It’s hard to be away from your love, but a postcard can help ease the pain.

It’s hard to be apart from someone that makes you feel complete, but it’s worth it.

Love isn’t something you find, it’s something that finds you

We’ll always be apart, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find a way to be together, again.

I’ll never love again. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Missing you is like waking up in the morning and not knowing where your day will take me. I can’t wait to know what’s in store for us today.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen you. But I can’t wait to get back in your arms

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to call you mine, so I’ve decided to be apart from you.

The reality is, when you’re apart, there are moments that are better than the ones you were missing. Try to enjoy them.

It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just that I’m that much in love with you.

We miss you, we’re missing you and the feeling of being with you is overwhelming.

No matter how far, I will always find a way to be with you.

Sometimes I feel like the sun, sometimes a moon—sometimes both, but always yours.

I miss you and how you make me feel. I love you so much and can’t wait to hold you today!

No matter how far away we are, no matter what happens, I know it’s all right. I will always be with you.

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being in love.

Some days are better spent apart. But being together is better than being alone.

When you’re apart, a part of you dies. But when you’re together again, a piece of your heart is set free.

Every single day without you is a day I wish could be over.

Our hearts are with you, wherever you may be. May your day brighten with the sparkle of love!

It’s been a month since I’ve seen you, and with each day that goes by, my feelings for you grow stronger.

Love is a battlefield, but if you know what you’re doing it’s never-ending supply of ammunition.

This is one thing in life I never have to worry about—I know where she stands.

Trust Long Distance Relationship Quotes

It’s not about how far you are apart, it’s about how much you love the other person.

Your relationship doesn’t stop at the borders of your country.

There’s only one thing better than being together—and that’s being apart.

Let’s take it back to the days of phone calls and letters.

It takes two people who are willing to try. Two people willing to work hard, and put in the effort, to prove that they deserve a relationship like this.

The hardest part is getting started. The rest is easy, just stay close

Let’s take it slow but don’t hold back.  Let’s fall in love with all the time that is between us.

Trust is the glue that holds a long distance relationship together.

Trust is the most important thing in a long distance relationship.

There’s nothing like finding true love across the country.

Distance doesn’t have to be the only thing standing between you and your lover.

Distance doesn’t have to stop you. Love is always within reach.

The distance between you and your loved ones is just a phone call away.

When a relationship is built on keeping the lines of communication open and genuine, it takes its toll.

I’m not gonna lie, it can get tough when you’re separated. But I hope the distance doesn’t stop us from being together.

Distance is only a number. Smile, because the distance between you and me doesn’t change that I love you.

After all the ups and downs of being far away, we’re still here. I love this person more every day

Trust has always been the most important thing in a long distance relationship.

Long distance relationships can be especially challenging, but they’re also fun and exciting.

I hold my breath in the dark, I find you in my head. #longdistancerelationship

This is the real life, being away from you and loving it.

When you love someone, there’s no distance that can stop you from being with them.

It’s not about where I am, it’s about what I have here.

What’s real, what’s true and what is just a crazy feeling.

We’re not just in the same city—we’re in the same life.

You know, when it all comes together—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Love is a long distance relationship. Trust is the key to it all.

Keep it 100 with our full line of long distance relationship products!

The only thing better than spending time with the person you love is doing it long distance.

My love comes over the distance, and we are together.

Distance can be a challenge but relationships that stretch across time are worth the effort.

Long distance relationships are hard. But when you’ve got something that brings you two together, it makes the journey worth braving.

Distance is not a reason to give up on a love that’s meant to last.

Distance is no longer a barrier when love takes flight.

In a world full of uncertainty and too many barriers, it is the people with whom you share your values and dreams that make life worth living.

We’re not just friends, we’ve got a long distance relationship.

Life is better when you’re far apart, but it’s still worth it.

Distance doesn’t make the heart grow fonder. It makes it grow stronger

Distance can break your heart, but distance doesn’t have to.

Distance can make you feel lonely. But it doesn’t have to.

When love is a thousand miles away, there’s no better place to be than home

Nothing is impossible. Trust your love, and don’t be afraid to fall in love again.

You’re not just a number. You’re someone I care about, so show me that you care too.

You are not alone. You have the strength to make it through this difficult time, and I will always be here with you.

Even when we’re miles apart, our love never fades.

The distance didn’t stop us. It made it stronger.

We’ve been together since before we were born, and it shows.

Knowing that you’re always in my heart and on my mind, even when I’m miles apart.

We’re strong enough to keep our commitments and you’re strong enough to keep ours.

I want to come home and share a story about a day that was perfect.

Trust your relationship, even through long distance.

A long distance relationship is work, but it’s worth it.

Distance is the strongest bridge between two people.

When you’re miles apart, but you feel closer than ever.

Distance isn’t a problem when you have someone who understands.

Distance is no longer an obstacle in this long distance relationship, we’ll be together soon.

We’re together as long as we want to be. No matter where your belongings are, our love will follow you every step of the way.

We’ve been together for years, through thick and thin. We were meant to be because I don’t know if this could work without you.

Tough, but true. Always remember that you can be strong for each other.

There’s no place like home, but some people can do it better than others.

When distance separates you, love finds a way.

Trust is the foundation on which any relationship should be built.

We are in a long distance relationship, but we still want to celebrate our anniversary!

You can find love anywhere, even if it’s thousands of miles away.

They say that distance is the only thing standing between you and a perfect relationship. We’re here to prove them wrong.

There’s no distance too far to fall in love with someone.

If you weren’t able to be together in person, don’t let distance stop us from being together.

You met, you fell in love, and now you can’t live without the other person.

In a relationship, trust is everything. For the couples who have been through it all, we respect and appreciate that.

It’s all about the bond between us. We have each other’s backs.

You can never underestimate the impact that someone you love can have on your life.

What’s the point of living if you can’t live a little?

Surviving Long Distance Relationship Quotes

I survived into a long distance relationship, and I promise you can too.

To every long distance couple out there, I’m with you.

You feel like you’re in a long distance relationship when your significant other is thousands of miles away but you still manage to feel connected.

We’re closer than ever, but still far enough apart to make this relationship work.

I’ve been in a long distance relationship for 12 years and it’s still going strong.

You haven’t lived until you’ve been apart and can’t stop thinking about the person you miss.

There’s only one thing that we can guarantee in our long distance relationship: it will never be boring.

No matter how far a couple is from each other, they will never be apart.

Moving somewhere new, the first thing we do is figure out how to survive without our beloved.

Sometimes you hold each other in the darkness, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you’re just not sure how to deal with the distance between you.

If you’re holding hands, you’re probably going to be okay. If you’re not, you can always give up and move on

You’re in a long distance relationship because you want to be. Not because you have to be!

This is how we survived our long distance relationship. Keep going, no matter what!

When you’re in a long distance relationship, the hardest part is keeping that smile on your face.

Distance doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder. But distance can make your relationship stronger & more meaningful.

There’s nothing but miles in between us, but our love is always just a text away.

My ex taught me that the best relationship is the one where you learn something new everyday.

We are traveling to find love but we will also find out who we want to be.

It’s hard to stay close when you’re far away. But we found a way.

We’ve been together for a year and a half, but we’ll be traveling for two and a half more months. Don’t worry – we’re working on it!

Trying to survive long distance is hard but we’ll get through it together.

It’s been a long distance relationship, but we’ve made it through the tough times and found our way back to each other.

Distance isn’t real, you can save your relationship by choosing the right phone plan.

When your bae is 1000 miles away, but you know they’re still thinking about you.

We’ve been together for three years. I know when you’re gone, it’s lonely. That’s why I send you a text every chance I get.

You know what’s better than being in love? Being in love with someone you can see.

We’ve been through a lot together, but I know we will face anything that comes our way.

Long distance relationships are hard. But the best thing to do is to try, try again.

We’ve been together for 7 years, but we are still trying to survive the distance.

If you love someone, let them go, or you will always be alone.

A relationship isn’t a race. It’s a journey, but you have to start somewhere. We’re here with you, even when the distance is great.

You’re not alone. If you’re in a long distance relationship or married to someone who’s deployed overseas, you have the best people in your corner.

Distance isn’t always a barrier. Make the most of what you have, live life and enjoy as much as possible.

We’re taking it back to the basics. A strong relationship is built on trust and communication.

You can survive anything with the right people around you.

I don’t want to be your secret; I want to be your lifesaver.

Distance is just a state of mind, not a physical thing. Our hearts are always connected

The only distance that matters is the one you can cover in an hour.

Long distance relationships are hard. But they’re worth it.

Being long distance is so hard. But I’ve found a way to survive.

Long distance relationships are hard, but they can be better.

I’m in love with the long distance, even though it’s killing me.

Don’t let distance stop you from loving the one you’re with.

If you want to survive a long distance relationship, then you need to stop being so desperate. If you want something, go out and get it yourself.

Distance is not an excuse to give up on your relationship. Be brave and keep going, Stronger Together.

The distance between us doesn’t matter… I’m still in love.

You can survive anything when you have each other.

Strong relationships are built on trust, honesty and listening.

You know what they say. When you love someone, you better be prepared to do it all.

It’s not always easy, but we’re going to keep fighting.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, consider these tips to be your survival guide.

Long distance relationships are hard, but they can be worth it in the end.

Don’t let distance stop you from connecting with your loved one.

I’ve been through the longest distance relationship and I’m still standing.

I’m not saying you have to get married, but I’m saying you should at least try to figure out some way of staying in touch with each other.

The distance between you doesn’t make a difference. It’s the love in your heart that does.

You may have to wait, but you’ll see each other again.

We’ve been through a lot together and we’re finally here.

Distance is the one thing that can tear us apart. It’s the hardest thing to manage, but it can also be our greatest asset if we learn how to use it.

Life is about finding the courage to take action, even when you’re afraid.

I don’t have a lot of words to describe this feeling, but I do know that I’m very lucky.