Funny Question Jokes for Adults

If you’re looking for funny question jokes to make you and your friends laugh, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got a list of over 100 funny question jokes that will leave people wondering how you thought of these funny questions so quickly.

Have you ever been so frustrated that you just yell out the question: “When is the world going to end?!” Well… here’s a list of funny question jokes for adults to enjoy.

Funny Question Jokes for Adults

What’s the difference between a drunk person and a person who says “I’m not drunk?”

What did the chicken say to the egg? I’m ready for my close-up!

What do you get when you cross a super chunky hotdog with a baby?

What’s the difference between a horse and a cow? The udders

What’s the difference between a wife, and a cigarette lighter?

What does the adult body do when it’s sick? It throws up.

What’s the difference between a cat and a lie? Cats have nine lives.

What do you call a polar bear that’s too fat to swim?…a soggy polar bear.

Going to the airport? You know, the place where people are waiting three hours in line for a six-hour flight.

I’m not a cat person. But I could get used to being on a leash.

What’s the difference between a female member of Congress and a cup of coffee?

Where do you fall in the spectrum of “funny” and “haha”?

When you have a question, and you don’t know who to ask.

“Hey, do you have a minute?” No, but I have time to waste.

What do you call a group of people? A good group.

I think I’m going to get me some coffee. What do you think?

What’s the best way to impress a potential employer?

If you could have anything, what would it be?

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

How do you keep kids from using your phone? Keep it locked!

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

What’s the difference between a dentist and a drug dealer? One is legal, but you never know when you’ll need to just say “no.”

What do you call a person who says funny things? A comedian. What do you call a person who laughs at funny things? A comedian.

You know what’s the worst thing about being an adult?

What’s the difference between a male and female atom? The female atom is called an electron.

Why are some people afraid of heights? Because it’s easier to fall down than up!

Why don’t you ask your significant other what they think about this shirt?

What’s the difference between a lion and a lion tamer? The lion tamer has a whip.

What’s the difference between a girl and a Volkswagen?

When it comes to dating, I’m a simple girl: If you’re nice, I’ll be nice. If not, too bad.

What’s the difference between a deer and your boss? Answer: A deer has antlers, but your boss doesn’t.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t take care of your health, but would you rather do that with a doctor or a nurse?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably asked yourself at least one of these funny questions.

What do you get when you cross a cat with a monkey? A man-monkey

This is a funny question for all the parents out there. What’s better- bacon or eggs?

What’s worse than losing your keys? Finding them.

What’s the difference between a dentist and a baby? The baby screams when it hurts.

I find it hard to believe that you’re still single. Where have all the good men gone?

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

How do you know when a job is done well? When it isn’t perfect anymore.

If you could only have one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

We’re not sure what’s more terrifying: the thought of that long drive, or thinking about all the questions you’ll have for your kids when you get home.

What’s better than one funny question? Two funny question!

What’s the difference between a adult and a child? A stuck up parent.

You’re not here to answer questions. You’re here to ask them. Be bold, be brave and go get ‘em!

What do you call a guy who has just gone through a divorce and is taking a big step into the dating world? An engaged man.

Do you work out to get abs or do you just have abs?

How can you tell if someone is living in the past?

What’s the difference between road kill and your friends? The road kill is on Instagram.

When are you most likely to forget something you have to do?

What should you do if you find yourself in a situation where someone else’s life is in your hands?

Do you know what’s a good way to get someone to open up? A funny question joke.

If your idea of a good time is an adult beverage, then you’re all good to go.

What do you call a dog who always gets his way? The answer isn’t as funny as you think.

What’s the difference between a pet and a child?

What do you call a baby elephant with a big toe?

When is it a good idea to ask a stranger for directions?

What’s the difference between a sad clown and a happy clown?

What’s the difference between a bear and a chocolate bar?

A friend of mine said, “When is a bridge not a bridge?”

I asked my mom what her favorite memory is. She said, “when you were born.”

If you don’t like the way I drive and if you’re going to complain, then get out of my face.

What was the first thing your kids taught you?

Do you like jokes? Have you seen any funny questions?

Kids love questions. Adults love answers. So what do you do when you have both?

What do you call an adult with a head for wine? A wino.

What’s the difference between a tree and a forest?

What’s the best way to get revenge on your parents? By making them laugh.

What do you call a waitstaff who hits on their customers? A flirt

What’s the difference between being happy and being healthy? Healthy people have happier lives.

What’s the difference between a dog, a pig and a hamster?

What’s the difference between a chicken and a biscuit?

Have you heard of the new study that says women don’t own cats?

What is the difference between a fly and someone who doesn’t have enough to drink?

Do you want to know the difference between a married man and a dead man? A married man still has a pulse.

What’s the best part of Saturday? The letters or the numbers?

What’s the difference between a Frenchman and a clock? Neither of them says “Hi” when they’re kept waiting.

You know what’s better than a funny joke? A funny question joke.

The best jokes are the ones that make you think.

So this is how we do it. We’re all adults here.

How many questions are there in the English language? Answer: The number of people who ask them.

What is a dolphin’s favorite dessert? A dolphin pat

What’s the difference between a banana and a kiwi?

How many adults does it take to change a light bulb? The same number that doesn’t say “I can’t” when asked to help with a project.

What does a kid say about their first day of school?

Can we start a band? (Answer: Not yet. It’s not that easy.)

What do you call a girl that travels the world?

What do you call a shirtless guy from Louisiana? A “swamp.”

What’s the difference between a baby and a toilet? The baby leaks, but you always get something back.

What do you call a nun who is deflowered? Unsullied.

What’s the difference between a glass of milk and a gallon of milk? You don’t drink the whole thing.

What do you call a job interview in the 21st century? A test.

What’s the difference between a birthday cake and a brain?

What is the difference between a resume and a bartender’s joke? A bartender’s joke actually has a real punchline.

If you could have a drink with anyone, who would it be?

What do you call a group of men who are having a meeting? A Men’s Club.

“Your days are numbered. How many you?

What’s the difference between a woman and a crook?

What do you call a grown man who still doesn’t know how to ride a bike?

What do you call a dentist who’s just been bitten by a radioactive fish?

How do you get a one-armed man to fight for your freedom?

Hey, what’s a good way to make sure you don’t forget anything?

What do you call a woman with a short temper?

Hilarious Joke of the Day

It’s a funny world, but it’s a gloomy place too.

The perfect thing to make you smile when you don’t have much of a reason to.

When you really need to laugh, but you’re too nervous to look at your phone.

If you love your job, take a moment to appreciate the company.

What do you call a chicken that lives in your house? A rooster. What else? A rooster!

Be careful what you dream up, because you might be stuck in it.

What are you waiting for? Live life like no one is looking.

I hate Mondays. They’re like my cousin Mandy—they just keep getting better.

What’s the biggest difference between a cat and a woman? No cats have claws.

I hate Mondays. They’re just a reminder that there’s only one day left to get something done before the weekend starts again.

What’s the difference between a woman and a lawnmower? A woman will cut your grass in one pass.

I guess this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

What’s black and white and red all over? Coffee stains.

It’s the best kind of weekend when you’re laughing your head off and not even bothering to close your curtains.

Don’t make me choose between you and the bacon.

You might think you’re the one who won, but you’ve always been a loser.

Do you have a set of lungs? If so, please join us for the chant.

The best way to make a decision is to not make one.

You’re holding a bag of hot dogs that are so hot, they’re burning your hand.

“What’s the difference between cold beer and a satanic temple?”

Why do some people need a 5-minute nap and others, just 15 minutes?

“I was going to say “no.” But then I realized I didn’t want to be alone.”

What do you get when you cross a barista with a panda bear? A cup of coffee that I can’t drink.

Today’s Hilarious Joke of the Day: “What do you call 100 monkeys on typewriters? A word.”

You don’t have to be a genius to know that we haven’t heard this one before

“I was going to comment on this, but what the hell is wrong with you?”

The best way to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

“I’m going to go back and look at the last time I had a black eye.”

I thought about you every time I got on a plane.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who make things happen, those who watch, and those who wish they could.

It’s a good idea to be nice to your dogs, but don’t you dare try to spell out “good dog” on the floor with them.

This joke is so funny I don’t even know what to say.

Did you know that laughter is the best medicine?

The best jokes are the ones you can tell your friends over and over again.

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, “Buckets”

If you’re going to lie about something, lie about everything.

Why do ducks have webbed feet? To keep their bills dry when they shit in the pond. #lol

What’s the difference between a dog and a mudslide?

We all have those days where we just can’t wait to do something stupid, but we don’t have the guts to do it.

The definition of a “Big Mindset” is to keep the big picture in mind, while still being able to check things off the to-do list.

We’ve found the funniest joke of the day. It’s fun, it’s funny and now you have to share it with your friends

If you have a dog or a cat, you’ve probably heard this joke.

Here’s a joke that will have you saying, “Wow, I wish I could say that” every time you read it.

Have you tried our new coffee? It’s the perfect way to start your day.

What do you get when you cross a shrimp with a burrito? A Shrimp Burrito

You don’t need to be a genius to see that it’s high time we started using the word “genius” more often.

The most important part of being a comedian is not being funny.

What’s the difference between a man and a woman? A man only cleans his house once a year.

No, the doctor said I need to lose weight. I’m only 16.

Hilarious Joke That Will Make You Cry

When you meet someone who makes you laugh and cry at the same time.

Have you ever felt like crying over a joke? We’ve all been there.

“Putting on a happy face is a sign of insecurity.”

What happens when you combine these two things?

I’m in love with a man who loves me back, but what if he’s gay?

The only sad thing about getting older is trying to figure out what it means.

The kid who was in the back of your class and never paid attention, but now you realize he’s actually a genius.

The funniest jokes will make you cry. The best jokes will make you laugh so hard your soul flies out of your body.

Excuse me while I laugh at this joke. It’s so…true.

There’s nothing like a good cry to make you feel better.

I’m sorry for laughing at your jokes. Keep up the good work.

When you are so excited that your poop don’t stink, but then it does.

You might want to put on a bandaid before you read this

We don’t understand half of what you say, but we love the rest.

“I know your days are numbered. But if you don’t have enough for me, I’ll fix that.”

Did you know that happiness is not a permanent condition? It’s a choice.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because there’s a cash reward if you can guess.

The best thing about life is the journey. The journey to know you, to love you, and the journey of your soul to know its own purpose.

A man stood staring at the sky. He was sad, and didn’t know why. Then he saw a piece of paper fall from the sky, onto his head. It read “Don’t be sad. Go for a walk.”

I only have this one selfie, but I’m going to use it to communicate with aliens

Have you ever thought of a joke that’ll make you cry with laughter?

This is an awesome joke, and the sad part is that it’s true.

I’ve had a couple of days where I’ve cried laughing.

Crying laughing is the best thing you can do for your body.

“don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

The most beautiful moments are often the ones you didn’t see coming.

I’d rather be a billionaire than a widower. Widowers are just sad.

You see that girl in the corner? It’s not her; you’re looking at a picture of your future wife.

I need you to know that I’m good. I’m a good person.

We all know that these two were forever destined to be together.

It’s not that we don’t love cats, it’s just that we love them more than the internet

No big deal. I just got a haircut and it looks like someone tried to cut off my head, but they missed.

This is the funniest joke. It’ll make you cry your eyes out, even if you didn’t know it was funny.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but it’s my favorite kind.

The Avengers are coming! But you have to watch this one first.

You know that feeling you get when someone is about to tell a joke? It’s the same one you get when your phone dies.

You know you’re in a bad mood when you start inventing imaginary friends.

When u win, choose to feel good. When you lose, choose to feel bad. That’s life.

What’s the difference between a boob and a nose job?

A man who eats alone never has to worry about table manners.

When you’re laughing so hard that tears roll down your face

You know the kind of people that make you cry?

Not just a great joke—this is the best joke ever.

Whenever you’re sad, a dog will come and give you a hug.

Don’t cry over spilled milk, smile because you’re on your way to the happiest moment of your life.

Nothing says ‘eat me’ like a joke about eating your nightmares.

When you look at your dog and see a reflection of yourself.

You’re not drunk. You’re just wearing another man’s name tag.

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.