40s Vibe Wedding Toast Captions for Instagram

When you’re about to say some nice words about the bride and groom at a wedding, there are only a few things running through your mind. The most obvious: Will I say something that’ll make a mess of this moment? You don’t want to misspeak or jinx their future together. It’s a lot of pressure, but with these 40s vibe wedding toast captions for Instagram, you can stay cool, calm, and collected while making the perfect amount of VSCO-worthy toast captions so you don’t offend anyone.

40s Vibe Wedding Toast Captions for Instagram

• Alright, gang! It’s time for everyone to grab a glass and have a toast. Now, Mr. and Mrs., we’ve come from near and far to eat and drink with you.

• Let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds! Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after

• We have toasted with love and wine. To the health, wealth, and success of the happy couple.

• Here’s to you, and here’s to me, and here’s to love and laughter. I’ll be true as long as you. And not one moment after.

• Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after!

• Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

• A toast to you, a toast to me. A toast to love and the whole family!

• You’re my favorite person. Lucky me!

• Here’s to the couple who taught us all what it means to love.

Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs!

• Cheers to a lifetime of growing and learning together

• “Here’s to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer—and another one!”

• “Here’s to the groom, and here’s to the bride. May their troubles be few, and their blessings multiply -Groom and Bride Wedding Toast Captions

• Here’s to a marriage that will always be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of snacks. We wish you both the best in all your future adventures. Cheers!

• “A toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. May it be a long and happy union.”

• Sweetest thing I’ve ever known, a honeymoon for two.

• To new beginnings! All the best in your newly married lives.

• Let’s raise our glasses to everyone who made it so special.

• Here’s to us! May we have many more years of happiness and love.

• I’d walk through fire for my best friend. Well, not FIRE because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because of my hair.

• The way you look at each other is the way everyone else should be looking at you.

• What an honor it is to be present within the love that these two shares. They are truly meant for one another – may their love be everlasting!

• If I were to get married, I’d want this inscription on the champagne flutes.

• I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my favorite couple than with a toast.

• Here’s to the bride and groom, here’s to the love they share! May they enjoy every moment and treasure each care.

• She goes where her heart takes her—her style is literally a reflection of her personality.

• Here’s to the couple who still hold hands like they did on their first date.

• May your marriage be as sweet as a roast beef sandwich with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy.

• To love and to cherish, til’ death do us part. Cheers to 50 years of wedded bliss!

• To the years ahead. May they be filled with health, love, and laughter!

• So we toasted the happy couple with glass and hoped for their success, then we danced until we dropped and went home to our rest

• From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home.

• To our love, which never fails and knows no bounds. To us, who are always united and strong together.

• I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought I’d rather dance with the cows and you come home.

• Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.

• You two were made for each other, and we’re so happy to celebrate you today.

• We can’t wait to get out there, drink some beer, dance a lot, and have one crazy time.

• We’re mad about each other and it’s getting worse. You drink the first cup of coffee, I’ll pour the second. To us!

• To the happy couple. Here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter together. Congratulations!

• Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after!

• In a few weeks, I’ll be walking down the aisle, but for now, I’m drowning in dresses, boxes, and “to do lists”

• Here’s to the nights we won’t remember and the friends we won’t forget.

• Some say that opposites attract. Others say birds of a feather flock together. But sometimes…we just wind up together, united by fate, supported by the Universe, and guided by our hearts. Cheers to you!

• You two look like you’ve been together since the beginning of time. If that’s true, then I know only one thing for certain: you two were meant to be.

• Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, health, and love.

• They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. Congratulations on getting the big three!

• May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows.” – Irish Blessing

• Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs.

• “In the words of Queen Elizabeth II, “The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.”

• Here’s to the groom, who has all of our hearts. And to the bride, who has captured his.

• Congrats to the happy couple! May you two always be as happy as you were on your wedding day.

• And they lived happily ever after. Cheers to love and laughter!

Captions for 40s Vibe Wedding Toast

• We asked for the moon, but we’ve got fireworks instead! Join us in celebration of the 4th of July!

• I’ll drink to that! Here’s to celebration and laughter, love you all!

• Here’s to us, and those like us. Damn few.

• So raise your glasses and let me make a toast, To the happy couple and the love they share, May there never be a day without it.

• Here’s to you, and here’s to me. And I hope we never disagree. But should we start to fight and ‘cuss, here’s to me—the better man!

• The best things come in fives, like the five of us.

• Tell your moms to take their seats because it’s showtime! This is going to be the best night of our lives!

• The future is bright, the present is a gift, and love is timeless.

• There ain’t no vow this boy can say, there ain’t no band that can play, there ain’t no church or preacher man that can keep me from lovin’ you

• Should old acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Hell no—here’s why you should keep in touch with your closest friends.

• Here’s to the groom and bride! May they never love as they do today.

• Have a toast, drink in hand; do it all over again.

• I toast to your happiness, health, good fortune, and amazing children that stay out of trouble.

• To the couple that never met, but always knew.

• Let’s toast to this new journey we are on, a lifetime of adventures that have just begun! #happilyeverafter

• To my darling, I am wildly in love with you.

• “To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.

• Here’s to the day you’ll remember, the beginning of the rest of your life.

• here’s to a successful marriage and here’s the reason why. two people function as one not as two but as one.

• As we look forward to the new leaf this marriage will turn, I’d like to offer a toast. May you never thirst or hunger alone.

• To the most beautiful couple I’ve ever seen: may you never stop looking at each other the same way you did on your wedding day.

• Here’s to the happy couple, who said their I Do’s and made us cry too.

• Here’s to the newlyweds! May you always look at each other like you do today… with so much love

• I could not have picked a better brother-in-law than you. You make my sister so happy, and that makes me happy. Cheers to you both!

• I can’t toast to all of you individually, but I’d like to raise my glass to each and every one of you. May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white!

• Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

• May your love be like good wine, sweet to the soul, and strong in spirit.

• She is a woman of charm and grace. He is wealthy in love and laughter. Together they will live as one.

• Rice thrown in the air, best man speech is done, first dance is on its way, and we’re feeling blessed to be surrounded by so much love.

• Drinks are on him and we’re getting on with our lives.

• Raise a glass to new beginnings and forever love.

• Mazel tov! Here’s to the happy couple.

• Here’s to love and laughter and happily ever after.

• I knew from the moment that I met him that I would spend the rest of my life with this man.

• Today I marry my best friend…the one who makes me laugh harder than anyone else! Here’s to the happy couple!

• Here’s to the bride and groom — may they live as long as they want, and want as long as they live.

• Happy wedding day to the best husband and wife I know. I love you both so much!

• To love and laughter and happily ever after.

• Tonight is a night to remember because we committed to love each other until the end of time.

• You are the ribbons to my package. I love you, sweetie. Hope you have a happy anniversary.

• Let’s flip a coin, heads we’ll get married, tails we won’t.

• Two roads diverged and we took the road less traveled.

• “I love being married.” “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”

• Raise your glass, it’s time to let your hair down and have some fun.

• Here’s to the happy couple on their special day. May their love and devotion continue to shine throughout the years!

• Here’s to the best of friends and all of the cheer they bring!

• A toast to love and laughter and happily ever after!

• All you need is love, and a few close friends to celebrate with.

• Here’s to our love that is built to last. May we continue to laugh, grow and love together through all the years to come!

• We raise a glass to millions of couples who are celebrating their marriage today. May your day be filled with boundless love, joy, and friendship!

• To the bride and groom, may you have a lifetime of happiness and love.

• I hope that you will grow together as lovers, as friends, and most of all as partners through life’s adventure.

• That moment when you realize your best friend is about to become Mr. & Mrs. … Grab a drink. This is going to be a long night.

• Some people dream of their fairytale wedding. Our goal is to have our marriage be the stuff of dreams.#heputaringonit

• I can’t think of a more fun night to get downright intoxicated, so let’s hop to it!

Quotes for 40s Vibe Wedding Toast

• Here’s to being a little more adventurous, a little more spontaneous – and a lot more in love.

• Meet my love, my lobster and best friend. Here’s to forever!

• Happy wedding day to you and your lover bird! We look forward to hearing all about the two of you saying “I do” at cocktail hour.

• Cheers to a life of love, laughter, and forever.

• You make me the happiest girl in the world.

• here’s to many years where I will continue to be the happiest woman on earth

• I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.

• It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

• I’m toasting to this love like I’m in a 1940s movie.

• We’ll always have this amazing wedding, what a night.

• They may not have been the wisest couple, but they definitely were the luckiest. Here’s to an adventure-filled life together!

• Wishing you as much happiness a newly married couple can have.

• “To the bride, to the groom, and to the bride and groom!”

• I’m so happy I can finally call this man my husband. It’s really a dream come true.

• “Congratulations! May your love grow stronger as the years go by.”

• “Love seemed the same as it always did—except that it was stronger, deeper, and more durable.”

• May your marriage be as sweet as a honeymoon and your lives be as carefree as the vows you’ve made today.

• Here’s to our health, prosperity, and togetherness in the years to come.

• To have, to hold, and to keep your drink filled.

• It is our duty to toast the bride and groom!

• You can take the girl out of the 1920s, but you can’t take the 1920s out of the girl.

• I’m bad and boujee like an old movie star.

• Here’s to the newlyweds, as they start their brand new lives.

• All you need is love and a glass of champagne.

• Before I met you, my heart was as blank as a white canvas. Then you came and added color to my life. I love you to the moon and back

• To the happy couple and a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness.

• Sip, Sip, Hooray! Celebrating a few of our favorite things

• Let’s raise a glass to the bride and groom. Through all the trials and tribulations, they have come out smiling.

• Live and love like tomorrow isn’t promised.

• May you be happily in love and happily married for the rest of your lives.

• It takes two to make a marriage. God’s the only third party.

• To a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer – and another one!

• For an evening of sparkle and style, get inspired by these gold + black wedding toast captions for Instagram.

• The couple who drinks together… thinks up witty Instagram captions.

• Here’s to love and the ones that make it happen.

• Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

• A toast to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

• It’s no secret that I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

• He stole her heart, so she stole his last name

• It’s a beautiful day! I’d like to thank everyone who made it here today, especially our parents. Theirs is a love story for the ages, and we are all so thrilled that they found each other.

• “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” Judy Garland

• May your love be like the misty rain, gentle coming in but flooding the river.

• “If you’re not following the bride and groom on Instagram, are you really friends

• Here’s to the bride and groom, who do it like nobody else.

• For the most beautiful bride, I’ve ever seen. To the happy couple!

• To the happy couple. Cheers to a beautiful life!

• Thank you for inviting us to share in this day of love and celebration. We wish you a lifetime of happiness together!

• Here’s to your happily ever after, but not to the end of your story.

• And he’ll be there, and I’ll be there and everything will be just like it is now. Only different.

• Oh sweetie, you don’t need him. You can pick up most guys with your pinky finger.

• Here’s to us. May we always be too much. May our lives always be overflowing. And may we continue to grow even in these broken places.

• For better or worse and richer or poorer, nothing is sweeter than the love we share.

• Here’s to a long and blessed life together. May your days be merry, may you touch each other with joy.

• May your marriage be full of love, joy, and happiness.